Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of
I'm actually shocked that they decided to get the carry license.
Of course they've now contracted with the government and all bets are off.
Because deep down they know it's all bullshit and they're unwilling to catch a gun charge, but they don't mind pretending traffic law is beneath them.
That’s how they get ya!
This shit works on them because it's all fake.
But they don't yet understand that the fake stuff backed up with guns is slightly less fake.
Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group in a given nation. It's just the promise of violence and cops are basically an occupying army. Your know what I mean?
Brennan Lee Mulligan never fucking misses. I love that in the Bingo episode of Game Changers, one of Brennan’s bingo squares was “anticapitalist rant” and it got stamped almost immediately.
You could said that is a Citations Needed quote and would be right too.
Yes, you can carry without a license in Texas. I'm assuming either they have priors, or it's unregistered, and that's why they charged him with illegal possession.
What? A person like this who very obviously follows the spirit and letter of the law has priors?
Was it in a courtroom with a fringe on the flag? Because that doesn't count since it's maritime law.
you don't have to register firearms in most states, including Texas
Maybe something to do with being armed while committing a crime? Yeah, your gun carrying rights go right out the fucking window if you're criming.
Instant 5 stars with that passport card ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
His plate:
Bold to display "Non-US Citizen" on your vehicle. In this day age. In fucking Texas.
He's Hispanic too, so it's extra mins boggling.
Gues the 9-109 law they cite is for recreational vehicles, golf cars and that they ignore other paragraphs where it specify some vehicle characteristics to be except of licensing.
5 stars and 2 thumbs up
Somehow I believe that the author is withholding information.
Despite Texas being so gun-friendly, it's probably something with "possession of a firearm during commission of a crime" or something.
"My anti-law spells didn't work. I'm being oppressed!"
I don't know who was the biggest idiot in this story, the sovshit or his sister who was stupid enough to bail him out.
Well the sister will get a nice coupon in return for her deed. Also this dude is Hispanic in Texas, and messing with the cops right now under those circumstances sure seems stupid.
I bet that if I don't know that jackass I'm no more than one degree of separation from him. I know tons of these folks up in East Texas.