this was thought to provide babies with fresh air, instead of cramped dusty fetid apartment rooms (no mention of the fact these were usually directly over streets with car and truck exhausts pumping out smog)
For things that are "hmmm".
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
Leaded Smog no less.
Imagine what it'd be like when those babies grow up and try to run things. I don't imagine it would go well.
Wood fire probably cooking your meals and heating the room. I'd take my chances outside with chance of wind currents.
"Honey have you made sure the baby got some fresh air today?"
"Yeah I hung him out the window*
"You WHAT?!"
Whenever I see this picture, I like to imagine that the parents also closed the window behind it, to get some peace.
They make modern versions for cats. But putting your baby in one...?
Maybe the parents weren't watching the kid close enough and they climbed in there on their own.
babies can actually survive a fall from any height as they can easily take a fall from terminal velocity, they also always land on their feet so this is a good idea.
But they can’t take a little shaking? Pfft. Beta cuck babies
Looks well made. Gotta ask, is it doing a better quality job than the floor inside? If the floor is B+ and the baby cage is A-, then it's technically a better place to be.
Birds and UV, however...
if i had that as a baby, my life would be much better.
Where are they now?