If the US ever decided to invade Canada, based on today’s issues, I would go fight for Canada.
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Yeah, the amount of Americans sabotaging the war effort would be insane.
Trains and highways are required for moving armor and men that far north. The moment movement is noticed, those tracks and roads will become a lot less vehicle friendly. A lot of those northern states would not take too kindly to our neighbor being invaded. Idaho, Montana, and Alaska are the only areas where they would face less issues with movement through the state. Maybe North Dakota and Maine.
It's not a brilliant move for the US to do. It wouldn't work. Its too wide a border.
It’s the kind of move that could legitimately lead to states succeeding.
they'd be so successful
I would love to see it.
Absolutely. As an American if this disgrace of a president decides to take up arms against our long time allies it won't be him I will fight for.
Service guarantees citizenship!
Hell yeah
I think you meant "Fuckin' EH!" lol
I like that better
I'll stick around and do my best to sabotage he US effort.
Yup. Oh no here I go partisaning
Just stay where you are and blow up a power station.
Me too. And, I’m about to turn 50.
This is ridiculous enough to dismiss it. What you think the US invades or even goes one step too far with Canada, and you think Mexico doesn't just look north and think:
Its been shown time and time again in the period from 2002- basically now that the type of military technology and strategic approaches that the US military spend the wealth of the American people on for 20 years, is practically irrelevant. The US lost both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because the US military industrial complex consulting classes' job isn't to identify and execute on the best possible strategies for the US: their job is to identify on the most profitable strategies for themselves.
So we're stuck with a militaristic approach that's incredibly dependent on extravagantly expensive and niche technology. However, what the war in Ukraine has show us is "Why use 30 million dollar drone for bonk when $500 dollar disposable drone work fine?"
The US would be so preposterously, incredibly fucked, because it would have two of the longest, most difficult to defend borders on the planet, along with two massive fucking coast lines where the neither Navy can back the other up. Its not just a cunt move to have made enemies out of allies the way the US has: its also ridiculously bad strategy.
The amount of unprotected roads, bridges and railway across the us would canadians and local dissents with no shortage easy targets
Did I miss something? Why does everyone think we lost Iraq? The government we put in place to get rid of Saddam is still there.
Eh, Texas has been under 6 flags, might as well make it 7 ( or a repeat of one of the 6 depending on how you look at it)
Every day we move closer to the Fallout timeline
Lol. Some corporate news sewers are getting a lot of mileage out of that idiot rapist.
We are just trying to protect american speakers from Nazi French oppressor
4 day special military operation to decapitate the junta in Toronto and install a racism friendly regime
Ironic as this newspaper is american-owned.
I will be proud to be responsible for many deaths if they tried.