These posters make me want to organize.
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Never forget: If a company doesn't want you to have it, it's probably a good for you.
My union got me more money in a single year than I will pay in dues for my entire career in at least 3 separate years in the 6 years I've been working for my employer.
I get leave each year that is slightly more than 20 percent of my work hours.
Unions are amazing for workers.
It's amazing how anti union the US is. Unionise everything unless you want to be bent over and fucked by the long dick of capitalism.
My family is from West Virginia. They literally had battles for unions. Unions saved the state for a little while. Everyone I know there is also very anti-union. I don't know how. This is why history is important, but they won't teach you these parts of history in school.
The fact they are putting these up should let you know it's something you want to join
Agree. I don't understand why Amazon thinks this will help, like "hello people, Union is a thing that we're really afraid of, haven't you heard?"
People are so used to getting gaslit by megacorps, they just eat that shit up unquestioned
Because they want to plant that seed of doubt and fear.
Might not work for you, but unfortunately there are a lot of naive or insecure folks out there.
Don't trust unions - they can't guarantee you benefits. Trust us, we guarantee the most exploitative conditions as long as you don't organise!
How is this even legal? As a European I can't understand how anyone falls for this blatant anti-union propaganda. They are obviously beneficial to workers (that's literally why they exist) and I've never had to run anything by my union unless I believe I'm being unfairly treated by my employer.
Yes, from a European point of view this is something straight out of a bad comedy sketch. If unions would be bad for workers, why the hell would anyone want to advertise against them?
Obligatory, "if a company is trying to convince you you don't need a union, you need a union".
"Oh no, I'll have to go through someone who actually has my interests at heart and not my shitty manager! Damn unions!"
And no, you don't have to go through the union instead of your supervisor/manager. In my union job, they'd send a witness/advocate along with someone if they had an issue where a manager was involved.
The union was corrupt, but despite that it was still the best factory job I've worked in (ok another one was also not bad but that was mostly because no one really gave a fuck about the stupid shit there and everyone just did their jobs without fucking with each other). The pay was high enough that when I was looking for something better, I realized a certification I had started wasn't going to mean more money, just different work for similar money.
Yea. I had a shop steward sit in on all my meetings with management. They represent the union, it's influence, and it's contract. They make sure everyone is playing by the rules and management doesn't take advantage of an employee that doesn't know labor laws, policies and procedures, their work contract, or the union contract.
It wasn't a requirement for meeting with management, but it was something a manager could not refuse if requested by the employee. Any meeting with management would be delayed until a shop steward was available.
I was a strong advocate for every employee to have one with all meetings with management.
It's not a guarantee they have your interests and heart, but your odds are a lot better than your supervisor having your interests and heart.
Your supervisor has a duty to put the good of the company ahead of the good of the employee or they're risking their own jobs.
Reasons not to join union:
No guarantee that they will help at all mitigating our blatant exploitation of the workforce
Uh, it is un-american.
The creepy part is how you're supposed to turn in anyone who discusses unions or unionizing.
They literally tell you "if you hear someone discussing something against the company's best interests, say something!"
How's it not illegal?
Because Amazon can afford lawyers, and people who work for Amazon can't...
It's only illegal if the person you hurt is rich enough to sue you...
Straight lies. How can you tell someone that unions cannot guarantee anything?
Sure a union technically can not guarantee anything. But I'll guarantee you'll be in a million times stronger position with a union.
If conditions were left up to corporations children would still be working, we'd be doing 12 hours a day 6 days a week and Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol would be an autobiography on the current bestsellers list.
Corporations are interested in making profits, paying shareholders, managers getting their bonuses, workers are don't make the top 10.
Never forget when Amazon called the guy who organized a strike "inarticulate" even though his speaking talent was literal poetry.
For those of you unaware, that was a dogwhistle. The strike leader was black.
"Have to go through a union instead of a supervisor or manager."
Like anyone wants to go to an Amazon manager.
I thought this was against the law?
Amazon denied that they were doing it as a company (of course they did).
Luckily, the union won this election and it was certified in january of this year
Passive posters like this aren't. Actively intimidating potential members is. And interfering with a vote is super illegal.
But posters aren't.
I did a seasonal stint at a Target Warehouse recently, and while there wasn't anything blatantly antiunion, the effort is absolutely there. There is alot of talk about open door policies, open communication lines between management and workers, and a culture of "trust". My emphasis, their words. They also have a standing policy that, out of context, is very odd. Knowing what I do about antiunion measures, it's very blatant. They have a fiercely reinforced policy that there is to be no distribution of any papers or solicitation of any kind during work hours or on Target property. They attempt to rationale it with an example of people "asking for kids fundraising orders or public funding websites". Personally I've never known those to be even a mild distraction at any workplace.
How is this legal?
I work for a massive massive corp and we watch anti union videos (it's required) I think once a year in our online courses.
hmmm, maybe cover up that qr code with this one...? 🤭
gotta be plenty of label printers around the warehouse this would fit on 💪
Isn’t this illegal?
Corporations do it, so yes but functionally hell no.
It's only illegal if you don't have enough money to influence the labor board. :P
im not american so these anti union things are always wild to see, like do these actually work?
Yes. Most people believe anything if you tell them often enough.
Yes. I hear people shit on unions every now and again, saying the same bs you hear on anti union propaganda.
Dues deducted from your pay.. yes true… oh no it’s a whopping $20-50 a pay (spitballing a range.. I pay $44.49 per pay)
No guarantees on pay, benefits or work rules even though it’s extremely unlikely you won’t get better pay, benefits or work rules using that line of thinking the company doesn’t guarantee that either lol
Typically must go through union, not supervisor or manager.. okay for what? I got to my supervisors and managers every day for stuff and even if that is the case so fucking what supervisors and managers don’t have my best interest in mind.
It is always the same tactic again and again and again. Constant variations of, "unions steal your money via dues and you have no guarantee of benefits then, but you do right now".
It's exhausting.
The same tactic, damn near the same words, are used for the same purpose since at least the 1800s. It works well enough that they just slightly modernize the language and that is that.