What a sad life this woman leads. All the money in the world and she can't find a semblance of purpose.
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Hopefully the cops oblige her, but I'm pretty sure she's too rich to actually experience any consequences.
They've already said it doesn't meet the criminal threshold and they will not be arresting her.
Bitter old troll still got her 15 minutes of fame I guess.
Woulda cost her nothing to just not say anything.
Do it.
Nah, wait till she decides she is properly untouchable and definitely crosses the line and the case is a slam dunk.
Do you really want to live in a police state where they do this?
Prevent hate speech? Yes, desperately
Wait you think arresting her is proportionate?
If she sows hate speech? Yes.
Quote exactly some hate speech by her which is deserving of being locked up and link sources
Not stuff which is considered offensive, but quotes which genuinely deserve jail time
A proportionate response is banning of her social media accounts and any of her products which create revenue, not FUCKING JAIL.
So please, quote away.
That’s a quote from my comment that you replied to.
Holy shit really? You're going with that?
You just turned the conversation on its head and then accused me of doing the same? hypocritical behaviour
Wait you think arresting her is proportionate?
If she sows hate speech? Yes.
What you really meant to say is: "no, arresting her isn't proportionate, but she should be arrested if she does something she hasn't done"
The woman has appeared in parliament to advocate for laws that will kill children. Yes, she deserves to go to prison.
Can you link me a source, I've never heard about this and don't know the details and validity of these laws
In March 2022, Rowling criticised Labour party leader Keir Starmer who said "trans women are women" in his personal opinion and according to British law. She accused him of misrepresenting the law and said "the Labour Party can no longer be counted on to defend women's rights"
In October 2022, Rowling voiced opposition to the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill aimed at expanding the rights of trans people, calling Nicola Sturgeon a "destroyer of women's rights"
In February 2024, Rowling donated £70,000 to a crowd-funding appeal by For Women Scotland in support of their legal case challenging the definition of "woman". The appeal was started after the UK Supreme Court decided to grant the case a judicial review.[101][102][103] The case is one of many through which For Women Scotland are seeking to overturn the inclusion of trans women with gender recognition certificates in the legal definition of "woman" in some laws in Scotland.
On 13 March 2024, Rowling dismissed the fact that the Nazis burned books on early transgender healthcare during their raids on the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft as "a fever dream" on Twitter. Rowling went on to quote tweet another user's tweet which claimed trans people weren't targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Her comments received widespread criticism, including from Alejandra Caraballo. Some, such as The Mary Sue, accused Rowling of Holocaust denial.
Not all of these are relevant to your question but they seem like the kind of thing you oughtta know
Dedicated her life to drumming up transphobic hate. Pathetic
That law sounds terrible.
Because you don't like how it's being implemented or because you just straight up like hatred?
Because it sounds like it can be applied to any political view or person. It is just plain censorship. At the end of the day democracy depends on everyone having a voice, even if you find what they have to say hateful.
I don't support hate speech but trying to ban it is very problematic
This man trained his girlfriend's dog to give a Nazi salute to some offensive phrases as a joke. Shared it with a few friends on social media.
It was then leaked and the offensive joke that went viral and got 3 million views on YouTube.
Then because of the criminal case for hate speech the EDL (English Defence League) were able to bandwagon on the news cycle and spread some real hate.
So the law meant to prevent hate speech instead platformed a hate group and spread the original joke further to the point where it probably did cause offence. Because if you don't know the person making the joke, you don't know what they intend.
All because a Scottish judge was allowed and chose to ignore all context around the actual content.
It is a bad law.
I'm not one of the "can't say anything these days" crowd, and in general I think there can be limitations on speech that have a positive affect on society.
But the law in Scotland specifically is absolutely trash in stating absolutes about speech when speech is always subjective and always surrounded by context.
That case is bullshit, yes. But still, if you had Rowling's wealth and influence and wanted to enact policy change, would this be your approach?
The law criminalizes “stirring up hatred” related to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, trans identity, or being intersex, as the BBC reported. “Stirring up hatred” is further defined as communicating or behaving in a way “that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive” against a protected group.
There's a difference between saying what you think and being "threatening or abusive". Note that nothing JK has done so far actually qualifies.
If she directed her audience to harass the ones she mocked that would be different. At a certain point that shouldn't be allowed, no?
behaving in a way that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive
This is no way to legislate. What is a reasonable person?
It is actually a very specific legal standard. If you like podcasts, one of the early episodes of More Perfect has a good segment on the reasonableness standard. The case is one about police violence and it is fairly emotional, so just keep that in mind for if you want to listen.
Especially since just asking genuine and reasonable questions gets you labeled as a bigot these days.
I have not once had this experience. Could you share some examples of such questions? I'm curious,
Or for that matter having a different belief than the status quo
Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean you get to censor and arrest them
Right? This could definitely be the first step towards State sanctioned group-think, and the loss of freedom of speech. I'm just as opposed to hate speech as any other progressive individual, but I do not trust these types of laws in the hands of governments that are moving rapidly towards fascism.
The rich have far too much power in the world.
This bitch is fucking nuts
I hate that we keep having to give attention to this dumb bitch
She got the money. No jailtime for her. If she was poor she would already br in jail by now.
You have to wonder how a guy named Rishi Sunak justifies supporting her.
But I guess it's done so that people hate on trans people instead of people with a similar name or skin color as his. When in reality everyone just hates him because of his politics and personality
You can't arrest someone for being an idiot usually
Sure you can. Manslaughter, reckless endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. All have a component of "sure you didn't do this maliciously, but FUCK you should have known better, moron"
Quick, somebody go back in time and convince JK Rowling to write about a raccoon who shoots rainbow sparkles out of his butt!
she knows this will not happen
Hmm, ok. I need to start sorting by top instead of Hot