
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Not fully complete, but theres Ultrakill. Its very good.

Theres also Trepang².

These are both pretty fast paced indie FPS tho, so if your looking for something a bit slower you might like GTFO. Its primarily coop but has bits to play with and a bunch of content.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Having recently played some retro games on era appropriate hardware, I'm actually a little sad CRTs are gone.

Obviously they were heavy, hard to manufactur safely, and were filled with toxic materials, but man are they like the perfect anti-aliasing tool for retro games. I'm sure some good filters exist to replicating it on newer monitors tho.

Overall tho I am glad both of these things are no longer the defacto used tech.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

I mean if I'm allowed to have a non true or false pride and can have some level of granularity, I'm proud of a lot of things.

I think we've done pretty good with national pharmacare, and dental care. I know its not perfect, and it came to slow, and the roll out wasn't great, but I have pride in the fact that were offering it.

I'm proud of the way we extended the way EI covers maternity and sick leave in the 1970s.

I'm proud of the legalisation of marijuana, because it now means that people have access to a product that gets tested for quality and health concerns.

Sure none of it is perfect, but I'll take 30% of what it should be as long as its a start. If we wait for perfection well never get anywhere. We just have to keep striving for better.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

Based on the track record of the US trying to roll back rights at a federal level and make them handled on a state level, wouldn't we be basically in the same boat of our rights being eroded?

Honest question, have you thought about joining an organisation locally that advocated for the changes that you would like to see? They say the first step to change is local change. I know municipal and provincial government is less buzz worthy but it impacts people daily a lot more.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago

Yeah I'm in the same boat, but wow do I still get a sizeable amount of dread going back to work when I'm getting burnt out on a specific task.

Like I am lucky to find myself working in the public sector and having a direct impact on the public, and I love it! But my goodness, do I dread days where its back to the same task I've been doing for the last 2 weeks, without much change.

Maybe the issue with that is the way I manage my time tho and am constantly forgetting to take regular vacation.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

I always assumed that it was a matter of a lack of infrastructure to do water processing and reclamation, and or just it takes time for water to cycle back around to being fresh water. I never thought about how a shift in climate means the air holds on to more water.

Goes to show, despite it being bad news, you really do learn something new everyday.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Ehhh better to be safe that have a discussion on religion and persecution in the issues board. Then it doesnt linger as an open ticket.

I feel like discussion about something like this is better suited for like a forum or a dedicated discussion channel. They discuss in a followup on the issue thread that they think even one offended person is too many, and they want to be as neutral as possible, which I think is commendable.

I think even if its a troll, its better to err on the side of "what if it is a real person, and they are offended." Obviously, this needs to be taken within reason, like intolerance is not a valid reason etc etc.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

I really don't see how you got that assumption at the end. It more seems like the commenter above is saying that if you would benefit from living in a rural area because there is less people and less possibilities to encounter nuisances, and that it would also be better for those people who are nuisances to also live in rural locations cause they would bother less people.

I think its also worth mentioning that with the way housing costs, and availability for utilities is these days, not a lot of people have as much freedom to live in a space they find 100% perfect. Like i love living in urban areas, but some cities design streets so poorly that people are freely able to speed loud cars down quiet residential roads. So, we either gotta get involved in our community we find ourselves in to make the changes we want, hope someone else does it, put up with it, or pack our bags and go somewhere else.

[–] 17 points 5 months ago (7 children)

I think even if you don't eat meat there's reason to be mad. Cause they killed a bunch of animals, and put it at prices where people can't afford to buy and thus might have even more waste. So a triple whammy of corporate greed, excessive animal farming, and food waste!

On the plus side maybe people will be forced to buy more ethically farmed turkeys this year, or reduce meat intake all together, cause its looking like these are more expensive then any locally grown Turkeys I've seen.

For additional context on my take: I do eat meat, despite being morally against factory farming. So, I try to reduce my intake of unethically farmed food and try to use as much of the animal as possible.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't think we'll see this any time soon, because corpos probably won't listen to any creative that presents this, but I want something where the LLM runs locally and is just used to interpret what you are asking for but the dialogue responses are all still written by a writer. Then you can make the user interaction feel more intuitive, but the design of the story and mechanics can just respond to the implied tone, questions, prompts, keywords from the user.

Then you could have a dialogue tree that responds with a nice well constructed narrative, but a user who asked something casually vs accusatory might end up with slightly different information.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

This is incredibly bizarre. I feel like the problem with modern interfaces isn't that "everything is an app" it's that companies making their apps don't actually care about convenience, accessibility, or intuitiveness. They are targeting more purchases, or subscriptions and if that means sacrificing or forcing the design of a GUI to have dark patterns they'll do it.

I do like the concept of this as an accessibility tool for people with limited mobility, but I also think we should be encouraging that on the OS and app developers end. I think accessibility is one of the few things AI could be used for on a daily basis. As a sort of stop gap.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I feel like most of the things such as dependency hell and at least some amount of data models and routing can be resolved by using custom elements tho. I can agree to a certain point that HTMX could lead to a simple markup based approach, but it's still a matter of learning another library and all that junk. In a perfect world I feel like there should just be an equivalent to maybe the `` element that could on becoming visible makes an Http call to lazy load and plop in some inner HTML. I guess you'd still be missing the whole events driven by attributes part tho.

I don't know if I think this whole HTMX stuff is silly cause I'm jaded, or don't see a use case for it personally. So take my comment with a huge grain of salt.

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