Yeah, stop shaming trailer park vampires!
"Hungary would be a better place if you didn't beat out the fuse, but each other's" - or "Hungary would be a better place if you'd beat each other's instead of the fuse".
By the way, OP accidentally overlooked the country/place translation, but I'm 100% sure they know, otherwise.
Boring explanation in the spoiler box:
To jack off = to beat (it) out/off in Hungarian. E.g. "I beat out/off my dick to this picture of a daisy".
To blow the fuse (...box?) = to beat out/off the fuse in Hungarian. Beat might not be the best translation, and it could be closer to 'slam' or 'pop' or something, but we use the same word ('ver' / 'beat') in both cases.
We also use the term 'blow the fuse' when talking about having enough of something that grinds your gears. Like, "I could still tolerate that ignorant knob, but when he started talking about all the doctors of the world conspiring, that blew the fuse for me. ('beat out/off the fuse for me')" - kind of when you lose it.
Despite the 2/3 majority in parliament, the actual vote head counts were closer to a 45/55 (or 48/52, depending on the source) at the last few elections. This is due to severe gerrymandering, excessive propaganda, oppressing opposition and independent media outlets, and intentionally cutting education funds.
But I'm also both saddened and infuriated by the fact that while it's not the majority, still, HALF of the fucking country still supports this vile, hateful, corrupt, literally evil government.
I guess there's no hope for the country, and it will soon devolve into another Belarus.
Aaaah, I get it now, thanks! I did see the “↑ 4” bits everywhere, but it turns out that every single comment I have looked at had 0 downvotes, and then instead of going ”↓ 0”, it just simply doesn't display downvotes. I thought I was going mad.
I liked the previous implementation, though. To me it seemed more clear.
I might be a bit confused, but I just went to my settings to see, and both "show upvotes" and "show downvotes" were ticked already, by default. I refreshed the page (Ctr+Shift+R), and it's still the same.
Diesel, gasoline or electric?
Starring: Danny Trejo (in any role, really)