Nah, we all know the Great Pyramids were part of the “Giza Mass Autism Array” fired during the Finno-Korean Hyperwar. RIP Finnish social skills
Just let me finish up this war in Stellaris- (new, cool situation event chain starts) Ooh, shiny! (Gets flooded with 10 more story notifications about new anomalies and log entries)
(Can literally pause, save and exit WHENEVER I WANT and all recent progress would still be saved)
One of our aircraft carriers would be the world’s 3rd largest air force- and we have 11 of them
I bought into the propaganda and tried it hoping that it would cure my pr0n addiction- but on day 6 I got extremely horny and am currently relapsing so hard that I’m now wasting entire afternoons from 1 to 11 committing war crimes against enough sperm to fill a water bottle, depriving my body of precious water and protein and making it interfere even more with my sleep, social and homework schedules than it already did. I completely gave up on it when I saw the edgelords making fun of people who failed and thinking “ooh it’s gonna give us levitation powers or something!!1”
And it seems to be part of this strange anti-pleasure right wing campaign to use youtube to brainwash gen alpha into being obsessively homophobic in the most petty and pathetic way possible to the point that people start thinking YOU’RE gay, and have fragile masculinity by dividing 50% of the human population into greek letter categories unironically, setting things up so they’re guaranteed to become incels due to the romanticization of sexual ignorance and really long abstinence periods, so they can then get rich blaming their inability to get laid on something something gays something something feminazis(TM) to get them riled up and more importantly get their paranoid karen moms to donate to their incel cults.
Don’t forget the impending population disaster (because they never feel the touch of another person these days, their government literally has to try and encourage them to drink just so they’ll fuck already- and can’t stand immigration) and all those depressed young people using seemingly everything from the slopes of Mount Fuji to their own apartments as log-off locations, and then nobody noticing their bodies for months.
Yeah, in those countries if you come out as lgbtq you’re done- and I mean done done.
One of those countries is even being routinely pinkwashed and praised by far-left American queer activists because they think it’s fighting western imperialist capitalist racist sexist homophobic transphobic xenophobic Amerikkka(TM) police Trump GOP fascists. People from that country have even been interviewed, they don’t want support from such people.
I await the day that catholic priests ACTUALLY grooming (and raping) little boys generates even a small fraction of the outrage from them and Gen Alpha as drag shows or putting pronouns in parentheses. First LGBTQ people all disrespect the US/veterans/etc. (when in reality they wear US flag merch on shorts and tank-tops), now we “run” it so now some of them want to show their patriotism by moving to Russia (which would be awesome, I’d pay for their travel there and maybe we could even swap them for all the gay rights activists Zey have unjustly imprisoned)
We all know the best way to film is in the shape of a circle