You're literally running interference on Trumps behalf right now. Pick a side.
joined 2 years ago
Not defending your friend, but I think part of it is the association with highly processed foods.
I developed a soy allergy, and I was shocked to learn how much it's restricted my diet. In two years I've found one brand of hot dog buns I can eat. If you you look at almost any fast food restaurants allergen menu you will see soy in almost every single item. Mayo is a effectively whipped soybean oil.
I don't think it's a conspiracy, but it's a cheap additive and seems to have some preservative quality, and a good indication that you're food is highly processed. I eat much healthier now, largely against my will.
Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap
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So many “yeah but... “ comments on all these posts about someone arrested without a warrant and deported with no legal pretense at all. Pathetic boot licking behavor. Pick a side or get out of our way.