I mean yeah, the democrats are violent, authoritarian, and and generally awful.
Obama early in trump's turn: "Trump can't fix this broken economy, he doesn't have a magic wand!"
Obama on Trump's economic performance after his first term: "Yeah, it was pretty good because it was my economy!"
Hmmm... Which is it?
Then of course Biden or whoever was actually in charge in the white house printed ~9x the US dollars in circulation, and killed all the chickens (maybe it was necessary but it sure as hell wasn't something to blame Trump for, of all people). Now every issue is Trump's fault?
And sure, tariffs are actually Trump's first big economic move, and the immediate reaction is a stock panic. But we haven't truly seen the results yet. I wonder what the new cope will be if six months later Trump got most of his demands met, the tariffs are over, and things are looking up again? Are you going to say actually it was Biden's good economy? I'd bet my life savings the answer is yes.
Well, can you make a pretty good guess at someone's profession and wealth by looking at them? Putting aside actual political apparel and some hobby/in-group indicators (EG RealTree camo or anime merchandise) that's probably the correlation.
Back when image recognition AI was the hot topic I recall someone did a study which used it to identify the vehicles parked in front of homes and businesses from street view photos, and used it to predict a county's overall political leaning with very high accuracy. I'm sure that same logic extends to clothes, hairstyle, accessories and cleanliness.
Sounds like theyre winning by giving voters what they want. Voters want social benefits, they do not want immigration, simple as. Concerns over immigration have got to the point in some countries where people are voting for conservative parties because they promise less immigration, or just to not let criminals walk the streets, even though they like other left policies.
But it does seem like two more just invaded the planet. ;)
Shit talk aside, I think its worth acknowledging when your guy has done something wrong or the other guy has done something right. Like when theres a bunch of articles "no its not political" "no they aren't really stranded they love their work" and the the actual astronauts in question say "yes its political. Yes we are stranded." Well, it makes one side of the argument look like a bunch of liars who control the media.
If you can't at least acknowledge who took the L here you are going to look utterly conceited and spiteful to normies.