
joined 2 years ago
[–] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I think the important difference is that they actually compared it to other crowd sizes that (may or may not, I haven't looked) actually were smaller, like "largest in Denver" and "larger than the DNC"

Versus just claiming something then have it be demonstrably false, "I have the biggest crowd in the history of the world" or something along those lines

The important part is the organization, and showing there are people that can/will do something, then we can figure out what to do next

The sequel to this meme would be the wizard sitting the other way

"And I ate it all in one serving"

[–] 16 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Wouldn't the prices going up immediately negate the entire reason the community exists?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

You're welcome, even if you already tried it! Good luck figuring it out!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Assuming you haven't, and also can (I'm sure dell didn't want you poking around in the laptop), I would suggest taking the bottom cover off and looking at the solder joints on the port, or daughter board with the port on it if it has one, or both!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is one of those experiences where it happens to you and you never ever hear anyone else talk about it, so you think it just happens to you for some strange reason

That being said, I do think there's a goblin that goes into the dryer and twists up the sheets just to be evil

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm guilty of marking legit emails as spam recently, a bunch of the emails I've been getting I've already tried unsubscribing multiple times and they keep coming (I'm looking at you, Threads) so I gave up and reported them as spam

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I hunt for gizmos, doodads, trinkets, and the like, then I gather them into my house. Floor space be damned.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My favorite is when it autocorrects to the grammatically incorrect version of a word, then underlines it blue with the grammatically correct version!

Not exactly what happened in this screenshot, but another similar issue:

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

POV: you're the other person watching someone else do the action being described

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

And the signs may or may not compose of small nail marks and chewed wires everywhere I walk

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The reverse of a horror movie where the monster/killer is in the backseat. Instead, it's a normal human behind the monster


This is a little more infuriating than "mildly infuriating" but I can't think of a better place to post it

Edit: I'd like to clarify that I live in East Tennessee, not an area like Florida! I do appreciate the hints that it might be clearcoat goblins though, and I've left a saucer of milk and cheese out to ward them away


edit: the embeds weren't working because of me! fixed now

Imagine you were in my weirdly dirty shoes, driving along a back road somewhere between 30 to 35 miles per hour, behind a pickup truck. Oh no, tragedy strikes!


Damn. You just got this car, too!

Alright, now back to my perspective. First of all, out of all the times for my car to start making this noise, it had to be when I was driving like a civilized human being?! I knew it wasn't the engine, I knew it wasn't the transmission. The "tink" was coming from the rear. I pull off on the side of the road and get my body as low as possible to the ground and poke around. Brakes look fine, axles look and feel fine, suspension looks fine. Nothing's wrapped around anything and slapping a piece of metal. Damn.

Fast forward to a handful of yards down the road in a parking lot, still "tink"ing when it rolls. Tink going forward, tink and a little clunk going in reverse. It's gotta be the differential. I've lost all hope, so I start calling a local dealership for the closest date I can bring in my car to get it looked at by a real mechanic. Nothing available today. After some more "close" inspection, I eventually accepted defeat and drove (very slowly) back home.

After the heart wrenching (and tink-y, but thankfully short) drive back home I realized I can easily check my rear differential by jacking up the rear of the car and spinning the wheels by hand. I do just that, and it spins freely with no "tink". What?

Wait, what's that?

Oh. There looks to be some sort of nail. What's that saying? Can't see the forest for the trees? What a fool can't see he can't believe? I'm not sure.

Keep in mind, the sound it made was LOUD. Like, someone hitting a wood spoon onto a pot lid, LOUD. I'm not sure if "tink" is really the right word, but I'm rolling with it. I assumed it was mechanical, because when a car makes a sound like this you automatically think worst case scenario.

By this time, I had called my brother in law to help. He had a theory: what if that "nail" was long enough that when it had the weight of the car on it, it would hit the inside of the wheel?

That very well could be the case.

Luckily, the penetration could not have been in a better place to be plugged! (Mostly because I don't want to replace all 4 tires at the same time just yet!)

I drove (still, slowly) to a tire shop a couple of miles down the road. I wasn't entirely convinced this would fix the main problem, but it needed to be removed anyways.

I wait in the lobby for who knows how long. Eventually, one of the shop guys comes into the lobby and drops a piece of metal on his desk.

Holy shit. That'll do it! That pin is almost 5 inches long, about twice as long as I have sidewall on my tires! It absolutely solved the tink problem 😉

Moral of the story: if your car sounds like it's hitting a wooden spoon on a pot lid, double check and make sure you didn't run over a metal rod longer than your wheel is thick before looking for mechanical issues!

And that's my first experience with driving over nails (or other pins and metal pieces) in over 4 years of driving! I hope my little story was fun to read, and I hope you immediately realized it was something in the tire unlike me over the course of several hours!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

I'm not sure when this actually started, but it's been mildly annoying. I'm not able to find any results online about what causes it, or how to fix it.

In the case of the screenshot, it appears when I click the "Health" tab of Wintoys. This error also sometimes shows up when opening the Settings app, and every time I launch Forza Horizon 5. The error always shows 3 times, one after another, then as far as I can tell nothing else happens.

From my research it has something to do with updating, but I'm not sure why it tries to load it in Horizon 5.

Steps I've taken (not in this specific order)

  • Tried every built in file system/windows error checker (found no errors)

  • Tried copying over an "older" version of the DLL from a previous update stack (required SYSTEM permissions, so didn't press further)

  • Tried repairing using Windows Installation Media ("couldn't repair")

  • Tried updating windows (no luck)

I'm trying here because I'm hoping maybe there are some helpful anecdotes that might be able to fix it! I am using a Ryzen 7 5800X, just in case this is caused by an incompatibility that I don't know about. I can provide more specs/information if needed :)

Edit: reformatted the steps I took, since it looks like it turned into a big wall of text (at least on Sync)

Edit 2: added the edit text 🤫


Is there anyone else that isn't on Samsung or using the Samsung APK of Google Messages that actually HAS customizable bubbles?

I'm on a Pixel 7 Pro and have been waiting for customizable bubbles. I've tried the debug values but I only have "bugle" flags and "device country". I've also tried installing the beta version, uninstalling the beta, and downloading the latest APK and manually installing it.

I personally don't like the massive header added by the Samsung APK so I've stayed with the pixel variant.


Not entirely sure if this fits here, but it's development related

Android beta wipe (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Hey everyone! I thought I'd post this here since the android beta only has 18 subscribers on Lemmy.

I recently downloaded the Android 14 QPR, and in the update message it claimed I could opt out without wiping my phone before "applying" the update. I did opt out, but after beginning the download. After the download and installation, my phone wants to download the stable release of Android 13 and do a full wipe. I assumed "applying" meant actually installing the update rather than downloading.

Is there any way to get around this, or did I just misunderstand the message and opt out in the wrong order and essentially screw myself?

To be clear: I don't mean roll back to stable without wipe, I'm fine with the beta version I have now. I intended to opt out and not get any more updates until release.


Yeah, I asked a really dumb question in hindsight

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