I directly noticed that the background color got brighter and looked in this community to see whether a post like this got published. I mean, congrats on the new update I guess but I liked the darker dark mode more 😔
Yeah, but that… doesn't really matter. So it doesn't really make sense to post that here, especially with that headline.
Villains or antiheroes? Because this sounds like anti-heroes but villains are rather the people letting starving people die for profits.
How would you say they are villains? Some may classify as antiheroes, but like… they basically literally try to save people from extermination.
I mean the color:
Petrol (which is like half blue half turquoise and turquoise is half blue half green)
yoo lets go
I've looked through the history and I could only find a post "it's now unmoderated as well". How did that happen in the first place?
I don’t want to subject myself to drive this behemoth on small European roads
It's illegal to drive it in Europe
It's so funny I mostly know Chomsky through computer science as his (computer science - unrelated) research lead to major breakthroughs in it.
Only if straight though