
joined 10 months ago
[–] 8 points 2 hours ago (4 children)

So just Poland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway then. Those countries better EU up, and soon!

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I don't want to appeal to any right winger, neoliberal or neoconservative. No where in either of my posts did I advocate such. Those on the left, the real definition of left, are easily fractured into faction's. It is our nature as independent thinkers.

My only goal of my posts on this thread is to help people realize that they are being manipulated by these wedge issues devised by consultants to separate/divide us. Not that these aren't real issues they absolutely are. However they are labeled wedge issues for a reason. Excellent division tactics of manipulation and used in that manor.

We have to fight the $$$! That's my point. Those on the real left need to coalesce behind that singular goal. That's the only way to win freedom and equality for all.

My dad said to me once, "Pick your battles wisely, figure out whats the most present obstacle to your success, form a strategy that will succeed or you will fail. Sometimes that means playing the long game."

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

That a bit crazy, they are wedge issues. The consultants red and blue have defined them so..

The left and the right pay consulting firms hundreds of millions to devise ways to create/use these "wedge issues" to divide us. That's the game. Keep you fighting over these issues and never doing anything meaningful to change things. Puppets and pawns.

The only game that will ever make any meaningful change is the money game! That's the only game that matters to them and the only one we need to win for all the wedge issues to be treated as real life issues.

We cannot have a functional democracy any other way. It is the only issue that will be able to bring about any meaningful change.

Don't let these think tanks divide and blind you or you risk just being the latest fad en vogue "wedge issue" political prop. Doomed to be used till your usefulness runs its course and they latch on the next whilst you get nothing in return. That's the plan all along.

I absolutely stand by the lgbt peoples as I stand by the others marginalized by society. What I'm saying was pretty fucking clear! If you want real lasting change there is only one real issue that matters. We have to break the money system. Or else nothing changes ever!

What got us Hillary not Bernie was the DNC, the same people that use the marginalized as props for political gain. People should have figured that out by now, if they are paying attention. The neoliberal right wing democrats! They own the DNC! They despise their own constituency. They loathe anyone that challenge their money making machine.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (5 children)

I understand your frustration here. You and the minority communities do matter! With that said, the only way for you to have recognition and equality is to overthrow those in power. Those in power use you and other minorities as sock puppets pandering to wedge issues. While wedge issues are important to you and I, they are meaningless to those that use them to divided us.

If you let them keep using you as their wedge issue you can expect nothing but quarter measures and lip service in return. They need you to be that wedge issue to continue their robbery. You are being used, and as long as your useful nothing will materially change for you. You will be pulled left to right with every administration shift, never getting anything you need and deserve.

What matters to those in power is money. That's it. Right and left alike. Nothing else! Not you or any minority or what you/they/I care about will change while these kinds of people are in power.

I'm not saying to put your priorities on the back burner. I'm saying we have to come together to burn the fascists down to get what we want together. Money out of politics is the only avenue for any change. That might have to be the only priority for a moment til we have a functioning government that has the power to actually change all our lives for the better.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I think he is saying in the nicest way possible, the the democratic party no longer represents us and we should be using our vote so we can have representation that does.

[–] 26 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Fuicking neoliberal shitbags cant take the hint. We don't want you right wingers representing us. Bidens inaction is the reason for Krasnov not being charged for his role in an armed insurrection and directly led to our current fall into fascism. This unconscionable fuckwit should be crawling under the biggest rock he can find never to be recognized for anything but the piece of shit that fucked Democracy in the USA. Him and Garland can go choke on a bag of dicks!

[–] 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.

While we are talking kung, Kung Fu Hustle is golden as well.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's all money laundering for russian mob/fsb. Still pretty hard to bankrupt a business that basically prints $$$ though. Epic levels of incompetence!

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Garida has the most polished easy Arch and fully tweeked KDE experiance i have found. I think that it is the best introductory Arch distro out there. Dragonized edition comes fully loaded with all your gaming needs packaged up in the distro. Comes with chaotic AUR already installed so most of what you want from the AUR is precompiled and doesn't have to be built.

10/10 would recommend.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's hard to fight the government if your sick.

[–] 46 points 3 days ago (4 children)

I think I'd be wary of any pager given by BB. Guess if it explodes it no big loss.


So I'm entirely sick of dealing with windows on my surface. It is my only device not running linux. I decided on fedora to avoid ppa hell and It is not my daily driver so arch is out as I don't want to do the maintenance.

Anyway, it usually fails with:

Fedora install screenshot.

Any suggestions? I dont know windows well at all. To me it looks like it might be a firmware update of intel IPU on windows might be needed bit have no clue how to go about that.


An intriguing look into the bronze age collapse and the mystery of the sea peoples.


So I have been kind of bummed about the lack of a screensaver option for wayland and pining for the old days, of a land that came before. I completely understand the wayland devs perspective on this. But I'm old and nostalgic so I set out to try to find a workaround.

env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY xscreensaver --no-splash

So xscreensaver's settings won't work which makes it hard to configure. The only solution I have is to configure it in an X session and switch back to wayland. It doesn't really have a screen lock function and really I don't need/want it to. I just wanted to have some bouncing cows on my screen while I'm listening to music doing the dishes!

Thought I'd ask if anyone knows any hacks to get xscreensavers settings working under wayland so I don't have to switch sessions? Also maybe a hack to get one of the awesome xscreensavers working as a desktop background in KDE?

A side note, a lot of work went into these screensavers and I don't think they should be lost to time or relegated to the annals of history because it's lock screen functionality is kind of obsolete. I say we deserve bouncing cows!


Searched for a few weeks and could not find any solid solution. Found a KDE thread that said it was a issue with flatpak but I don't even have flatpak installed. Others say it's Wayland, Do non KDE users on wayland get this too?

I know it's for security but it's too damned annoying to be worth it! Should I setup a tiling WM and be done with it? It really is that bad.

All I want to do is play Skyrim without seeing this every 15 minutes!


Clickbatey video title but the story is heart warming.


The ability to add users to list's separated by group. With all the crazy stuff going on it would be helpful to be able to remember who is who. Maybe with a user defined flair next to their username on their posts and comments.

I don't like blocking views I don't agree with but would like an easy way to see at a glance what kind of person I'm dealing with and make it easier to see patterns in their discussions. If they were to be overly annoying, arguing in bad faith consistently or just a propaganda mouthpiece this would make it easier to recognize.


So with some cold weather coming to some of you I thought I'd remind you that it's a great time to season your pans.

Heat your house up a bit and enjoy some food afterword.


This was a placeholder image for a .gif I uploaded.

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