Or we can just emigrate to a better country. I'm going back to Korea after I save some more money at $job
You are mostly correct, some additional insight from someone who works with security/privacy stuff:
That is different in the EU I grant you
Even in the EU, when a user requests to delete their data, you're allowed to keep enough to validate they were a previous rule-breaker so they can't just delete their data and re-register
The session staying open is bad security though.
There isn't enough context to say for sure, but in general this is standard practice. JWTs, probably the most widely adopted standard for authorization on the web, have an expiry date and cannot be revoked. Yes it's not great security, but I want to emphasize this is standard practice. Google, Apple, Meta, Slack, etc all do this.
Also, when you request data deletion, the companies have up to a month to do it. I'm not sure if OP expected it to be instant, but it doesn't have to be
It's playable on mobile but zero QoL is definitely a sticking point