
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

No lawyer / accountant is going to sign off on that. It would get flagged as fraud during due diligence and lower the price due to the risks of lawsuits and fines

[–] 26 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Yes, it's not worth them fucking around with various pii / gdpr fines. As someone who has worked with pii, we always took deletion requests seriously.

[–] 56 points 1 day ago (5 children)

It doesn't work in all apps.

For those instances, I paste + cut in my browsers url bar (unless multiline, then notepad)

[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (8 children)

Well I'm glad I downloaded all my genome data and deleted it a few months ago. It was easy to do, there's no excuse not to.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

There's a dirty pile of clothes and a clean basket of laundry.

When the contents of the basket are small enough, I flip them into a clean pile of clothes and a dirty basket of laundry.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I just discovered MEC has a search filter on their site for made in Canada. Unfortunately none of their hydration packs are.

[–] 31 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

In fact, given its entanglements with their southern counterparts the Canadian Forces would likely enable a US invasion. As with the 2003 invasion of Iraq — which Ottawa officially opposed — some Canadian troops on exchange in the US might march north and, as is the norm when the US invades another country, Canadian officers would likely operate NORAD systems aiding the aggression.

That's a pretty bold opinion with absolutely nothing to back it up. There's a massive difference between supporting an army invading Iraq, and invading your own homeland.

[–] 16 points 3 days ago

"No, I'm mayor now. Why do I have to wait two years? I am mayor at this moment. I can write an executive order." It feels like it should be a protest technique or something, but I think he actually means it.

[–] 20 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Israel got this in their contract, so there is precident. It seems a totally reasonable demand in the negotiations over this.

Magic smoke (
[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Salt water.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

Makes sense to me, if you're on board then I'd say go for it.


Sorry everyone I know how much you love the attention she gives you, but I've implemented some quick and dirty filtering for private messaging.

We now have the ability to automatically mark PM's as deleted or read, depending on content inside of them. If we accidentally filter something you legitimately wanted (ie, not Nicole) please let me know.

If any other instances would like to implement this, here's the code. Note that you'll need to set your hostname at the top here for some reason I haven't exactly identified.

SET lemmy.protocol_and_hostname = '';

CREATE TABLE private_message_filters (
    phrase TEXT NOT NULL,
    behavior VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL CHECK (behavior IN ('delete', 'mark_read'))

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION filter_private_messages()
RETURNS trigger AS $$
    banned_phrase_record private_message_filters%ROWTYPE;
    FOR banned_phrase_record IN 
        SELECT * FROM private_message_filters
        IF LOWER(TRIM(NEW.content)) ILIKE '%' || LOWER(TRIM(banned_phrase_record.phrase)) || '%' THEN
            IF banned_phrase_record.behavior = 'delete' THEN
                NEW.deleted := true;
                RETURN NEW;
            ELSIF banned_phrase_record.behavior = 'mark_read' THEN
       := true;
                RETURN NEW;
            END IF;
        END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER trg_filter_private_messages
AFTER INSERT ON private_message
EXECUTE FUNCTION filter_private_messages();

To add filter words:

insert into private_message_filters (behavior, phrase) values ('delete', 'spamtestdelete');
insert into private_message_filters (behavior, phrase) values ('mark_read', 'spamtestread');

If you want to quickly disable / enable filtering while testing:

ALTER TABLE private_message DISABLE TRIGGER trg_filter_private_messages;
ALTER TABLE private_message ENABLE TRIGGER trg_filter_private_messages;

I'll leave it up to you to figure out what phrases to filter on. MAKE SURE YOU TEST. If there's an error, private messaging could break completely. You should not get an error message from the UI while sending a message with a banned word.


Sorry for the downtime! Unfortunately our secondary firewall took over for some reason, and haproxy failed to properly come up.

I'll be scheduling a maintenance window in the next few days to do some further digging, so I can make sure this is fully resolved.

We Are Canadian (

Sorry about the brief downtime there!

Wasn't related to the new users or high load, but was a combination of two problems:

  1. Our fw02 took over for some reason TBD
  2. Opnsense isn't keeping haproxy configs in sync and fw02 had a broken config

Still digging into the root cause, but shouldn't be any more issues =)


Just a heads up that we're now running on lemmy 0.19.9.

Change log here -


Sorry about the ~20 minutes of downtime there!

I was working on migrating the domain out of a personal cloudflare account, into a shared one for Fedecan. Missed one little setting that took me far too long to track down!

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