
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Odd. I just tried


and got

Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue

I'm clearly not on the same setup as you are, but my off-the-cuff guess is that your curl command was issued from a system that cloudflare already recognized (IP whitelist, cookies, I dunno).

Anyways, I'm reading through this blog post on using cURL with cloudflare-protected sites and I'm finding it interesting.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

Last I checked, cloudflare requires the user to have JavaScript and cookies enabled. My institution doesn't want to require those because it would likely impact legitimate users as well as bots.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 10 hours ago

It's also a huge problem for library/archive/museum websites. We try so hard to make data available to everyone, then some rude bots come along and bring the site down. Adding more resources just uses more resources--the bots expand to fill the container.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It doesn't matter if it feels moist, it can have residual humidity in it. Maybe you live in a drier area and haven't had that problem.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Learn from my mistake: fire safes can become humid mold machines. Air them out occasionally and use dessicants. I lost a passport that way. It made my throat close up to just handle it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I read it more as ignorant and rude than racist. Like, if I said "all y'all ought to do blah" and was questioned on it, I'd assume the questioner just hadn't been exposed to folks with that dialect.

Or like how my brother would make fun of people with a Boston accent while he was a tourist in Boston, getting directions from someone with a Boston accent. Ignorant and rude.

Of course, I'm white AF and my primary exposure to AAVE is online, so I might be totally missing subtext/context/supertext. Also my brother is an asshole.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I also love it. It was my go-to back when I had to walk inexperienced sysadmins through configuring stuff, in my tech support days. I really appreciate all the commands being listed at the bottom.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

The part that strikes me as odd is the crochetet saying she "wove" the blankets. That might just be the poster having an unreliable memory/being unfamiliar with different fiber arts.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

TBF, Hitlerdid kill Hitler.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Thanks for the thorough response. It makes sense that different groups do things differently and the group I was working with was less forward-thinking/forward-mandated.

Also, shout-out to Archives for doing the thankless task of storing, organizing, and making accessible everyone's collective history.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Specifically USAID classified files? I ask because I worked with a different segment of the US government during the Obama years and we sure as shit didn't have everything digitized.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

It's like a weighted blanket for your head! So calming.

recommended dashcams? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone have a dashcam they really like?

  • I don't care about screens
  • I'd like something I could mount to my dash
  • I'd like something that can record audio

I was trapped in my car recently and berated by a neighbor, so I mostly want something I can use to record that sort of behavior in the future. Otherwise, it's just he said/she said.


Edit: I ended up with a VIOFO VS1 Mini. I installed it last night and so far so good. The only annoyance was that my EZ-Pass(toll road transponder) was already mounted right where I wanted my camera, so that had to move. Also, I still need to pretty up my wiring. I'm feeling a bit more confident driving in the neighborhood. And I checked, can download video with the app no problem.


cross-posted from:

My social media environment (mostly Lemmy for the last year, after I left Reddit) is very leftist. I'm finding myself floating more and more left because y'all have a point and there's not many counter-arguments in this social media environment. I sometimes wonder if that's how MAGA folks feel--floating more and more right because that's what they're surrounded by.

Of course, my floating is (naturally /s) based on reason and leftists making good memes/arguments.

Anyways, that's this morning's introspection.

Side showerthought: my convictions are based on memes. Anyone have nice, accessible resources for giving those convictions a more solid base? I'd love something like a graphic history of leftist thought (similar to Queer: A Graphic History). Something approachable but with citations. Thanks :)


My social media environment (mostly Lemmy for the last year, after I left Reddit) is very leftist. I'm finding myself floating more and more left because y'all have a point and there's not many counter-arguments in this social media environment. I sometimes wonder if that's how MAGA folks feel--floating more and more right because that's what they're surrounded by.

Of course, my floating is (naturally /s) based on reason and leftists making good memes/arguments.

Anyways, that's this morning's introspection.

Side showerthought: my convictions are based on memes. Anyone have nice, accessible resources for giving those convictions a more solid base? I'd love something like a graphic history of leftist thought (similar to Queer: A Graphic History). Something approachable but with citations. Thanks :)


I have a one-shot LARP coming up in a few months and the character I was given dresses sort of punk/metal, with some flexibility. Character is supposed to be physically imposing.

Anyone have pointers on where to start? I have a kickass modern black kilt with purple tartan kickpleats, which I think I'll use as a foundation. What can I add on?

I'm thinking ear cuffs, a torn, vintage band t-shirt, and a denim jacket. Chunky black boots if I can find any that don't use natural rubber in their soles or adhesive :p .

Limitations: I don't have any piercings or tattoos, and I'm not getting them for this role. I'm allergic to latex, gold, and nickel. I don't want to spend too much on something I won't use again. Hair is currently shoulder length. I am a white non-binary millennial, but the character is of unset gender.

I'm also interested in store suggestions, especially for non-pierced ear and face jewelry. I'm drowned in options and I don't know which are honest about their materials. I'm in the United States.


My friend (let's call him Liam) doesn't want to hear about people being hurt or murdered. I'm trying to figure out why being told about this boundary hurts. I see my therapist on Monday, for my regularly scheduled session. So, this is me thinking out loud and trying to process my feelings. It's 2 am here on the East Coast, please pardon my insomniac rambling.

My friend now lives outside the US, but grew up here. We were college roommates.

  • Maybe I'm jealous that he is comfortable enough that he doesn't have to work, can travel, and has socialized medicine. He hasn't fought with his health insurance to pay for needed procedures.

  • Maybe I'm upset that his boundary means I can't share large swatches of my life with him. I can't talk with Liam about my health insurance issues because that's too close to violence for me to feel confident I'm not overstepping. I can't talk about my dad because my dad died through my mom's actions. I can't talk about politics because American politics today seems to be about hurting people you don't like. I can't talk about my worries for the future.

  • Maybe I'm upset because his boundary is so broad and vague but also clear enough that I can't ask him for clarification about it without violating it. Is social murder murder to him? I dunno!

  • Maybe I'm upset because it's almost the 4-year anniversary of my dad's death and it's easier to be upset at my friend's confusing boundary than it is to confront the fact my dad's still dead. TBH, this feels pretty solid, based on the amount of tears I'm producing. Circling back, I sure would like to be able to talk with Liam about this, but nope.


I started it to keep my hands occupied during a class. I love the simple 2-color pattern. I picked the kit up from Stitched Modern.


I'd been using the Joey app to keep tabs on a few subreddits I'm fond of. It finally stopped working today.


So, I've never been to a pawn shop before. I'm curious what's there, but TV makes them seem shady and odd. What should I know before I visit? I'm sort of expecting a cross between an antique and a thrift store, that sort of vibe.

I'm in the USA and don't intend to pawn anything.


Found at:

Touch your nose to the X (or cross your eyes) to make the horse swallow the pill.

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