Looks like an adult gave her an oversized scarf, kid doesn't look happy to be there, probably cold too.
Most of these are great, but I disagree with the Yenife
Museums or historical sites? They tend to have all kinds of educational programs plus you get to hang out with the cool artifacts instead of just looking at them in the school textbook.
Safest bet is to be a child in Skyrim.
Not sure if there's any mods left on the main sites to make them killable.
Edit, realized this was already answered half a day ago. Should have checked the comments more first....
Do you have the bottom nav bar on?
Should have a home, inbox, search and profile shortcuts.
It can be enabled in settings General -> Bottom Navigation
There's an option to hide it on scroll, so that might be throwing you off a bit.
The only major feature missing I'm aware of, is spoiler support.
Tap for spoiler
hidden content
Filters or buy water by the gallon. You'll have to actually talk to your neighbors, no one here can know for sure (unless your neighbor is here too).
They're doing one 1 of four things:
- Enjoying lead free water because its a problem in your house
- Enjoying leaded water ignorant of the lead.
- Buying lots of bottled of water.
- Installed a filter system.
"I had a dream where I went to work. And now I'm awake, I have go to work "again" with the added the bonus of sorting out reality from dream. Its a good skill, you should learn it sometime"
SOA Abridged
Took me a while to realize the whole post-war samurai living in an era of peace premise was just Kenshin but with aliens.
That's nice not everyone payed that close attention, they got sold a car and are now stuck with a shitty reputation by association. Some people are afraid to drive their car because they'll get harassed by people who can only see telsa driver = musk supporter.
You could blame the buyers for their ignorance, but its pretty normal to have no clue who the CEO/owner is of whatever car brand you buy. How many can name 1 beside Musk or Henry Ford?
Lol, a lot of rich people are rich assholes, that's nothing new. Think Bezos is saint, how about that one CEO who made people go to work during a flood, did you like Brain Thompson, Ulf Mark Schneider - do you even know who that is?or back in the day when they used to lock workers in the factory or shove children in the mines.
The rich have always been assholes, Musk is just more public about it. 5 years ago, he was just another rich owner of a company. The company made something good, so people bought it in support of the product not specifically the owner and his values, just like every time someone buys a nestle product.
Please look here for a reminder to never post your children's pictures online. If they're too young to have a social media account, they're too young to be on social media.