
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Well f...

und the CBC. That would be interesting.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Doritos come from a plant? Far out, man.

[–] [email protected] 62 points 1 day ago (1 children)
  • XXX WARNING EXTREME DANGER XXX — Marijuana can make you feel good, but may temporarily impair your ability to safely operate heavy machinery. [illustration of a forklift plunging into the abyss, the driver looking relaxed and happy; it hits the ground and explodes]

  • MARIJUANA CAN MAKE YOU HIGH [bored teenagers at a party, one young man clearly enjoying himself too much sitting near the TV laughing at The Flintstones]

  • WARNING: MARIJUANA MIGHT NOT GIVE YOU A HANGOVER — It might feel like you're getting away with something but that just makes it TOO EASY to do it AGAIN [dude with a 420 T-shirt looking smug amidst some still-comatose alcohol drinkers]

For $5000 in advance from the DEA I'll develop any one of these premises into a professional-quality educational video.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

Some bank apps work on LineageOS, some don't. Mine does, and I've only used it twice in ten years, but I'd sooner switch banks than run Google's android.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Port forwarding lets you connect with other hosts peer-to-peer which a VPN would otherwise block if both sides are behind one. For torrents you'd get more peers (which doesn't matter if you're just downloading the latest and most popular stuff) and be able to seed more effectively.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 day ago (7 children)

The requirement for port forwarding narrows that down to AirVPN and Windscribe, which is an unfortunately small set of choices.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

Some investors are betting that once people wealthy enough to buy new cars get over the initial shock they will learn to relax and enjoy fascism, and quickly go back to buying Tesla cars just like they did last year.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Anyone have some free time over the next couple of weekends? Somebody needs to take over and rebuild the Green Party of Canada.

[–] [email protected] 158 points 4 days ago (16 children)

I'm sort of tired of articles describing some catastrophe that happened ten years ago and saying "it's worrying."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

One more idea... If you're willing to temporarily add the Debian testing "deb-src" repository to your sources.list, which should be slightly safer, then there's a chance that this might work: https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation

Seems not completely crazy, unless MX has its own way to do that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Yeah, I see that MX test is not based on current debian testing (trixie) but also bookworm. So I guess you'll not find the package in MX repos until it makes it into AHS. Apparently there's a PPA that some people use, that might work.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Ok, it didn't seem clear if you were on Debian 12 or MX. I'm not sure what the relationship between them is, but mesa 25 seems to be in trixie only since 13 march.

Maybe you could use that package from debian testing on the MX version of testing if you wanted to live dangerously.


They're talking about closing the main support office for the Mauna Loa Observatory — which is "recognised as the birthplace of global carbon dioxide monitoring and maintains the world's longest record of measurements of atmospheric CO2."


Changelog once again didn't make it to nexus but it looks fairly substantial.


The carbon dioxide (CO2) spewing from human activities is not only changing Earth’s atmosphere, it’s also rapidly acidifying the planet’s oceans. In 50 years, that acidification could reduce the oceans’ ability to absorb CO2 by 10% as it takes a toll on phytoplankton

... Nevertheless, it’s still too early to conclude that the projected declines in phytoplankton will inevitably reduce CO2 uptake by the world’s oceans, Church and others caution. It’s still possible the declines could be offset by higher plankton growth rates at high latitudes and other global processes involved in carbon cycling. However, Church says, “It certainly doesn’t help.”


Legal researchers Cynthia Khoo and Kate Robertson warn that a Canada-U.S. CLOUD agreement would extend the reach of U.S. law enforcement into Canada’s digital terrain to an unprecedented extent, and that if signed, this agreement would effectively allow U.S. police to demand personal data directly from any provider of an “electronic communication service” or “remote computing service” in Canada, so long as it had some ties to the U.S.


As expected, the long-awaited ntsync has made its way into kernel 6.14.

ntsync "driver" to handle Windows locking types enabling Wine to work much better on many workloads (i.e. games). The driver framework was in 6.13, but now it's enabled and fully working properly. Should make many SteamOS users happy. Even comes with tests!


Meanwhile, in Québec... Carney demonstrates that he can parle français, Freeland goes on Tout le monde en parle.


If 2024 was the year of "age verification" let's build on this success and make 2025 the year of height verification. We must develop a consensus about where to draw the line, so that we can finally say "you must be at least this tall to use social media."


If modded Skyrim isn't the best game you ever played, you just need to add more mods. Sometimes they combine in ways that are better than expected. Today's discoveries:

  1. Walking around at a somewhat normal pace in the game most of the time thanks to "Controller Walk Run Toggle" (speed configured with Autorun) means travel takes long enough that even the relatively mild effect of cold that's the default in Sunhelm becomes significant. It's not seemingly instant like some versions of survival mode, more like you've actually been outside for enough time that it makes sense you'd be feeling the cold.

My Skyrim time scale is set so there's still enough time to travel pretty far in a day but at one point it was getting dark and I had to think for a moment about how to stay warm that night. Just then the lights at the inn came into view. It felt a lot like it does irl when you're walking in the woods, it's a little longer than expected to get home, and it's getting dark. Peak hiking simulator. Combined with dense forests and combat that's deadly and quick, it feels pretty good.

  1. With the dodge mod I'm using, going into sprint mode by holding the button for a moment toggles from walk to run, as it should. Exiting the sprint by doing a dodge roll doesn't toggle it back, so you're left doing the default Skyrim jogging. But then another dodge roll (if you're out of combat and no weapons drawn) does go back to a walk for some reason. So after a little practice to get used to the sequence you can just use that one button to toggle it, leaving the d-pad button free for other uses.

Holiday Skyrim binge initiated.

It's going to be a long time before I level up enough to start Dac0da. Best of the newly added mods to make a difference in the early game so far:

Passive Mudcrabs Controller Walk Run Toggle Cast Spells As Lesser Powers


Revel in the joy of our grand tax holiday! There will be no sales tax on thousands of items, to boost your solstice spending power! Video games, so long as you don't buy them the normal way. Some beverages, depending on size and ingredients. Pencil crayons, if they're bought as part of a package that contains blue ones. What spectacular benevolence!


NPCs keep the outfit even after uninstalling SPID or mods that distributed those outfits.

Oh damn, THAT was the problem with SPID 7.2RC1? I'm okay with that. I'm not one to uninstall things and not expect problems. According to tonight's test results that's the version that successfully distributes outfits that get equipped (unlike the previous version) and doesn't crash (unlike the newer RC builds.) It's no longer available on nexus but you can find it on github.

So You've Become a Russian Asset (www.bugeyedandshameless.com)

The TL/DR is this: The allegation that David Pugliese is a Russian asset has floated around Ottawa for about a decade — often with various degrees of evidence behind it. It was in recent years that these documents, which appear to be real and which were furnished by Kyiv, were sent to Canadian intelligence agencies and were seriously investigated. While Pugliese has proved himself to be a willing customer for Russian disinformation, and while I believe he hasn’t appropriately disclosed his relationship with the Russian embassy, the idea that he is a paid agent of the Russian government is probably false.

But recent Kremlin influence operations have blurred the lines between asset and useful idiot. They invite us to, as I said repeatedly during my statement at committee, get serious.

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