Damn, that looks delicious! I would probably die if I ate that, but I would die happy.
If you liked Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer was a movie made by the same director, and it shares the same type of humour and amazing special effects. Worth checking out if you haven't.
The first three Lord of the Rings movies, directed by Peter Jackson: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers & The Return of the King.
Haven't been banned, but the bastards did make the reddit Boost app useless about a week ago. I switched to RedReader, but I don't like the app as much, so I don't stay on it as long now. Been using Lemmy a lot more.
In no particular order:
- Monty Python's Life of Brian
- The Matrix
- Cool Runnings
- Inception
- Akira
- LOTR original trilogy
- Gladiator
- Alien
- Blade Runner
- Jurassic Park
- Shaolin Soccer
- Kung Fu Hustle
I'm sure there are more I could think of, but these are some of my favourites.
It looks like a decent movie, so hopefully it does better than that.
Guess I will stick to warframe, No Man's Sky and BG3.
In Australia, they're just called pancakes. However, we also have smaller pancakes, usually served cold, which we call pikelets.