If only we also got villains half as interesting in the real world. Instead they’re all just bitter and fragile.
Wait until you read 1984.
I just started watching Black Adder, so I’m glad I was able to get the joke. Great show for those who haven’t seen it btw.
I saw a review of this and it’s crazy tiny! Obviously expensive with their highest tier coming in at nearly $1400, but this is the first headset that looks properly futuristic.
And from what the review said, it’s a seriously high quality output.
We can’t forget antidisestablishmentarianism
I’ve always liked § and ¶. I also don’t see people using ≈ and ~ in context enough. They’re fun to write.
Edit: Almost forgot this guy, too: ‽
“If your truck starts falling apart, it’s probably prone to falling apart more.”
Fucking lol
Love that one! Daniel Radcliffe has such amazing range. All the way from a corpse to a man with guns nailed to his hands.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once comes to mind. Redline is another that has a similar feel (the intro sequence is insane)
If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoes
I don’t think it’s a specific reference, but Black Adder follows a series of fictional incompetent royal family members throughout history all played by Rowan Atkinson. Some of my new favorite work from him.