I changed how i look at communities when i switched to lemmy. Instead of just looking at the part before the @ i look at the whole thing and consider that to be its name.
So instead of the gaming community its gaming@xyz.qr and gaming@abc.de as a whole.
Tl;dr: theyre different separate comminities and the name is for all intents and purposes the entire thing.
I suggest subscribing to all of them for the topics you want and slowly through exposure learning which ones youd like to keep.
Im on linux and the "Open folder" button doesnt work for each installation so that I can locate its files. However, if I "Edit" the Iris & Sodium instance I can see that the path for it is
which is the same as for the initial Fabric instance. Is that not its installation directory? If not, how can I find the install directory, or where is it usually placed?Here is what my /home/mart/.minecraft/ directory looks like:
My BetterF3 mod is in the