ATC audio:
Video from impact:
ATC audio:
Video from impact:
Nobody is mentioning PIA... Am I missing something that makes them a non-ideal option?
Found dockwatch on this week's new directory apps, and although there seem to be a few small bugs, it's the graphical update manager and notifier is been looking for for some time.
🎵 *Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? *
You can't just say perchance
Thanks for the reply, sounds compelling. I'm running peanut currently and have been happy with it, but I might power out down and give this a spin. Low resource usage sounds like a nice selling point.
Thanks for your contribution!
I run phogiftreg, it works really well overall but feels really dated. Development isn't very active, and I wish it was docker.
I mean.. not MUCH before
17.48 you can hear the audible gasp from ATC (or someone on the air) at the moment if impact.