
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 4 days ago

Yeh, but purple shirted eye stabber tells you how it is. He's honest. And quite frankly, nobody has stabbed any eyes around here for ages. Maybe it's time to try some eye stabbing.
I'd vote for him.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Ah-ha-ha. That's even sweeter schadenfreude

[–] 11 points 4 days ago (3 children)

The majority of Tesla "recalls" have been OTA updates that happen automatically. They get called a recall due to historic laws.
This is actually a physical recall, considering panelling is falling off. So is a lot more expensive for Tesla. Lol

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Cow farts to moonshine? Sweet!

[–] 9 points 6 days ago

I consider myself technically apt.

I was expecting a parcel from abroad so was expecting to have to pay customs.
Received an SMS that looked fairly legit, from a named SMS number that didn't set off an alarm bell, asking for additional information. The only red flag that got me were some unusually personal questions, like date of birth. I was close to giving away a bunch of personal details.

Another one was a "your parking permit is about to expire". We recently had permitted parking introduced, and I figured I'd messed something up. But thankfully I looked into that via the councils parking permit page, and knew I was months away from an expiry.

My parents received a "help, I've flushed my phone down the toilet and need a new one for work tomorrow. Sorry for the strange number, I've borrowed a friend's phone. Can you send me $$$ to [account details] so I can get a new phone?" from a scammer pretending to be my sister.
Apparently they made it up to a "this is a new account number, are you sure this isn't a scam?" prompt in their banking app when they finally decided to try and contact her. She immediately picked up and said "stop, it's a scam".

It doesn't take much to make you vulnerable to social engineering.
An expectation of events and something that would normally red flag suddenly doesn't seem suspicious.
An emotional manipulation, time pressure, all that stuff, and it's easy to ignore red flags.

I always say "if you ever feel pressure, take a moment and analyse the situation". Time pressure, emotional pressure. And analyse looking for anything that seems odd, then pick at that thread.

[–] 45 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Not a concrete expert, but dead bodies. They decompose, can create pockets of pressurised gas, and leave a hollow cavity of no structural strength.

Source: Me. I made it up, but seems plausible.

[–] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

On jerboa, I see 😈 MedicPig 🐷 BabySaver 😈 as your name on all comments

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

And keycloak has a decent k8s operator, making deployment on a k8s cluster a breeze

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

I've noticed this as well.
I think alt+tab, or maybe just hitting alt fixes it. Maybe it's ctrl.
It's like it latches into a key combo mode, and hitting one of those keys clears the state.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

Certainly sounds like it.
Altho there are many seemingly good targets, such targets will be counted against their country.
So spies whacking Putin would be lauded. Spies whacking fElon would be punished.
The world is governed by opinions. And Ukraine only has the authority of some of those opinions. The US would need to attack other allies (like invading Greenland, Panama, Canada) for Ukraine to have support for whacking US targets. At which point other counties would likely jump on the bandwagon!

[–] 91 points 1 week ago

The 2nd part about "don't mention politics" is twice as long as "I've lost my job".
And still ends with:

Remember that government employees are humans too and it is a very scary time for most of us and our families.

As if that isn't the left-wing (most countries would call centre) modus operandi: people are people

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Meta promotes books?
Updated the comment

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