
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Tl:dr he lied about a lot of big things and it made the board unable to trust him and trust that safety measures that were said to be put in place are sufficient.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

while I do not know anything about torrenting. "mullvad" is a highly recommended vpn providers with a strong emphasis on privacy.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I watched the first few seasons and its not too bad, but they have a bunch of spinoffs already. I think ncis hawaii just started in the last year or two.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Anyone really care about this?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

TOS had so many "god" characters. At least they condensed them into 1.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

My wife hates him so much, but loved TNG.

He only show up like once or twice a season.

I like him, but I can see why people wouldn't.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

This 100℅ I even bought a ps4 to play it. It was a really dull game and the character movement felt clunky. I finished it too, but I do not care to play it again.

Ff8 was dope though.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I played it at launch and don't think in had a single crash. Possibly 1, but I can't remember.

I had at most 2 bugs where I needed to restart the game.

I'm sure things have only gotten better.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 years ago (7 children)

People have been telling you to game on PC for a while now.

Its pretty much plug and play these days.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Nintendo switch wonder

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I see what your saying.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

So you like $200-150 for a working system. Then the steam deck is like hey im $400 and way more capable.


I’ve been really wanting to get a steamdeck. I’ve been playing a lot on my modded switch, but there is a lot I want to play that is not available on the switch.

Does anyone have both systems and still use the switch?

I imagine I can just dump my games and emulate them on the Steamdeck.

I don’t do anything online, so I can’t imagine I’ll miss out on anything.

Im an experienced Linux gamer, so im not worried about the Linux side of things.


I played this game back when it released on Gamecube. I honestly have almost 0 memories of this game. I only kinda sorta remember a specific room or two and not even well enough to really explain them.

I am not sure why I do not remember it very well. I remember Majora's mask much better and I had only played that once at launch as well.

At this point, I have finished the first dungeon and it was pretty easy. I wonder if this game is just an easier game then modern zelda titles. Although, it seems like it is easier than Ocarina. At least so far.

The enemies feel meatier. Like, they take more damage and don't bounce around as easily. I am not enjoying it as much as I thought i would, but I am going to stick with it.

I kinda want to play through the 3d zelda games again. I keep trying Majora's mask and then putting it down before I even leave the starting town. I am playing on a PC, but I'd much rather use a steam deck to play as I do not often sit at my PC unless I am working.


I first got into trek with the 09 movie. It was a lot better than I expected and a good friend of mine is huge into Trek.

I decided to give the tv series a try. After being a little unsure what to watch I started with ENT. I figured it’s my first time watching trek and it’s their first time exploring and I liked that parallel. I’ve recently rewatched this series and liked it a whole lot more. This series is much better after having seen at least TNG, DS9 or VOY.

My watch order, not including new Trek was,

ENT > TNG > VOY > DS9 > TOS > TAS > PRO > TOS movies.

I watched all the other new trek stuff as it came out and watched the TNG movies a few months back.

By far, the TOS movies were the hardest to enjoy. The 2, 3, and 4 movies were decent, but 5 was really bad.

TOS series was also a little hard to get through. I could only watch a few episodes at a time. Unlike PRO which I watched in a day.

It’s hard to pick a beat or favorite series, but if you were going to watch one I think I’d easily recommend TNG. It’s such a great show and has such a great cast.

I’m loving all the new trek stuff as well. I’m really surprised at how good PRO was. And SNW has been a masterpiece.

I’m rewatching DS9 now and I’m at the start of season 3. Wow, this show has so many good episodes just one after another.


So the ending of Prod was basically the same as Pic. It’s a little annoying to basically see the same plot in two shows that aired like a year apart.

Did they ever comment on how similar the endings were?


I just watched this episode the other night and Kirk seems to be annoyed with Sulu, then Spock is like 990.07 light years, not 1000 please be more accurate.

It felt off for those characters. But maybe it was just late when I watched itS. What do you think?


I teach English and I need the Reach Higher G4A level and higher. There used to be a store online, but they were banned. I guess they didn’t sell a legit copy of the book.

Can anyone recommend some places where I can search for them or even buy them? I’m not in the US.


I am trying to find a series of text books that can be used to teach English. I don't mind paying for them, but I can't find a way to purchase them in my country.

The series I am looking for is Reach Higher, I specifically need the Reach G4A level and higher.

If anyone has any advise on where/how to get/buy them, please send me a message.


I see Apollo and I’m not sure if I want to delete it.

I’m not sure why. I guess I’m kinda hoping there is some update to it that adds some functionality, but I guess that’s not really in the cards.

Anyone else not deleting their third party app for a reason?


This game was my first jrpg as a kid. Well after Mario rpg and Pokémon. But I guess it always classified it different as it was a more serious game.

I was really young so it’s cool to play it now and better understand the story.

But I did not remember the battles being so long. It seems that every encounter so far has been a really long experience.

I just graduated seed training, so not to far into the remake. Im not worried about spoilers as I’ve played through this game when it was new, and watched a speed run of it a few years ago.


My wife just got into Tetris and wants to play together. I have been bragging to her about how good I am at Tetris and now she wants to play together

We would like to play side by side on the TV, but we do not want any of that stuff where if person A does well, then person B gets random blocks.

Does something like this exist?

We could play on PC or on Switch.


I fail to see the purpose of a MacPro over a Mac Studio.

I know it has pci slots, but can someone tell me how they will realistically be used? Used in a way that can't be done with thunderbolt.

The pricing seems absurd compared to a Mac Studio.


I lived Red and Blue as a kid. I think I played Gold on an emulator back in the day.

I really loved the challenge I had playing Red as a kid. I liked getting through an area with just a few hp left.

I never got hardcore into the newer games and have been so disappointed with how easy and hand holding the newer games have been.

I would like to play a romhack. Can someone make a recommendation for me?

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