Is that a headphone jack!?
I like headphone jacks.
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Is that a headphone jack!?
I like headphone jacks.
This needs an interrobang‽
You can tell whether I'm posting from my phone or my desktop by whether I use a ‽
or a ?!
(This one was from my desktop despite the interrobang, but that's because I could easily copy-paste yours.)
I'm here with a usb c to 1/8" jack like a moron! The EU pushed replaceable batteries, maybe we need a headphone jack bill haha.
Paradoxically, all cheap devices come with one, and even with an FM radio, so cheap devices actually have more stuff than high end smartphone. Also please give me an FM radio FFS, it is one of the most usueful services during emergencies and other situation, also I like listening radio thanks
Bring back transparent shells, I want to see that sexy technology god damn it!
Check out the company Nothing. They make products like the Nothing Phone with transparent designs
I'm curious about the 30 day battery
Could just be the regular battery not having to supply power to an energy sucking spinning disk.
Probably the same original form factor but a new lithium ion
I used a modern 3000mA lithium ion battery which provides about 60 hours of music playback. That’s about 2 hours per day which is much more than I use!
60 hours is two and a half days.
Well yes, but most people aren’t listening to music 24/7
That’s not how battery life on these sort of devices is usually reported.
imadethis new way of reporting battery life!
It’s a three hundred day battery if you listen for five minutes a day.
battery life is always measured in terms of continuous playback, not user defined usage
They sell 3000mah replacement batteries vs the original 850mah. I think some solid state drives can save power, but others can use more.
Are you preparing for a zombie apocalypse?
Anyway, this is the coolest shit I have ever seen today, and maybe the best one here on Lemmy!
Dude that thing is sick. I use my phone for music, and it's okay except for the dozen spam calls I get every day interrupting it. And there's no setting for that, of course.
Many phones have "Do not disturb"-mode, or even airplane mode.
You can also go into the settings and disconnect from your mobile provider if you really want peace and quiet.
Yeah but is it still locked to iTunes? Cause fuck that noise if it is.
Otherwise... I'll take 3
Edit: looks like it is... damn
It's a quick Google search for an alternative software that is pretty user-friendly and independent of Apple.
Also I suggest replacing the Hard drive with a card that lets you put in SD cards.
Back in the day, I used to rock iPod Linux. Looks like it's still about
There was also rockbox that let you play flac on iPod.
Or less exteme, I'm sure that foobar2000 had plugins for managing your iPod.
Shoulda used clear purple for that real nostalga hit.
But awesome work
Do you have a guide or a part list or anything? I still have my iPod I bought new in 2006 but it hasn't seen use in many years for a slew of issues, the main one being the headphone jack itself failing, but I'd love to refresh it like this.
Always cool to see ‘retro’ tech brought back, especially with major overhauls. Kinda wish Apple still did dedicated ‘dumb’ MP3 players, if I’m being honest.
That's dope!
I still got Planet of the apes on mine. They wanted people to know it can run mp4's on that little screen.
Well that's awesome and I think I've found a new favorite sub.
Love personal playlists. I use an old phone with SD card to use Bluetooth into my home theater system.
Dude thats so cool! Thanks for sharing!
What's that little black thing that kinda looks like a tiny antenna in the top right corner, right next to the battery indicator/percentage?
I know the angle is a bit weird, but that is a wired headphone/earbud cable. The cable just has a 90 degree bend at the end.
if you don't mind me asking:
how did you create the transparent casing? It looks really great and I'm not sure if it was 3D printed or some other way
Does it still count as “imadeit” if I made it using a hodge podge of other people’s parts? Haha, I ordered the custom shell from eBay ☺️ but it feels very high quality (not 3D printed)
As a 3d printer enthusiast, I object to you implying that 3d printed parts aren't high quality, while acknowledging that you're very correct.
I would like to buy an ipod and mod it but it would cost too much.
Is this a kit or custom? Did you 3d print that case?
There's a bunch of places selling replacement iPod shells, I think there's probably just one factory that makes them but the iPod mod scene is actually pretty extensive all things considered.
Can you put music on it without iTunes?
Yes. I still use my classic regularly. 20 000+ songs on it without ever being connected to itunes. Rhythmbox for linux works great when I want to switch things up. Winamp did the job back when I was still using windows. Maybe you were forced to use itunes briefly back when the ipod was first released, but it didn't take long for other programmers to figure out how to make their software compatible.