Fat people: I should be able to get medical care beyond being told "you should lose weight".
Dummies like OP: 😡
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Fat people: I should be able to get medical care beyond being told "you should lose weight".
Dummies like OP: 😡
But what if the medical care is loosing weight?
What do you expect them to do when a 160kg dude is rolled into the ICU with his third heart attack of the month? A transplant?
Every time people talk about this, they always envision the most morbidly obese example that they can think of, when we're really just talking about the average slightly overweight/obese people. Those people often have their actual medical needs ignored by doctors and are given "lose weight" as a cure all. There are literally hundreds of millions of people who experience this.
Because in a lot of ways “lose weight” really is a cure all, and it’s not some grand mystery as to why people gain weight.
It isn’t a doctors job to drug the people up so they don’t have to live a healthy lifestyle. Most people aren’t told too lose weight because they go to the doctor to lose weight, they’re told to lose weight when they go to the doctors for the litany of health affects surrounding obesity.
The combination of a strawman argument and a fat joke is just...not particularly funny?
I've argued with people who claimed being overweight isn't bad for your health. It's not a common position, but it's not exactly a strawman either. It's more like focusing on the crazies.
But the nature of straw man arguments is that since you are not citing someone who's actually making that argument, there's also not any way to refute it. "Somene somewhere is making a bad argument" doesn't really mean anything. (What's extra ironic is that this is an ad hominem attack against no one in particular)
Its not a strawman unles the bad argument is being misrepresented. Just because you don't care to look for examples for fear of what you may find doesn't mean that anyone who hasn't thrown them at you up-front is engaging in a logical fallacy.
It kinda becomes a strawman when the meme presents "healthy at every size" people as the average "body positivity" person.
*on Twitter
The meme says on Twitter, the place you can find every extreme and shitty opinion blasted loud and proud
Yes, the meme presents “healthy at every size” people as the average “body positivity” person... on twitter
Obviously you can find any poor opinion on twitter, but it is still strawmanning body positivity as HAES... on twitter
You will also notice the meme shows a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, which is simply impossible.
What an intellectually dishonest reply. "It's just a meme, it can't have any meaning!" despite the fact that clearly everyone in the comments is able to understand and discuss the meaning.
How cowardly do you have to be to hide from simply saying you agree with meme.
Naw I was getting at how nit picky everyone was getting.
But damn, that's wild that you went straight for intellectual dishonesty as an attack and then pull the coward card. Really escalated that quickly.
fat jokes are funny
if we all weighed 300 lbs there would be less war
Diets don't work for me. I get hungry before bed time. My body doesn't tolerate healthy foods. I can't lose weight because I don't have time to make it my No1 priority. Losing weight isn't as simple as "just eating less" , , ,
I love fat people excuses, just admit that you'd rather have an unhealthy body than put the effort and self control in to gaining a healthy one. I've heard literally every imaginable excuse except "I'm being force fed!"
Some overweight people pretend that they are happy at their size, but give them a magic button that will turn their body fit and healthy in an instant and see how many of them refuse to press it. They literally can't not just delay the gratification of excess food now in return for a healthy body that could months or years away.
Whilst I do have sympathy for people with severe medical or mental issues which are a primary cause for their excess weight, these causes are just not applicable for the vast majority of obese people.
I was once 300 pounds. If you can't eat healthy foods just fast. Be hungry. Make it your #1 priority. Yes, some of these comments are mean, but your stance that healthy foods are intolerable seems ridiculous.
The whole meme is just shitty and not funny. Maybe do something about it?
As an overweight person, I mostly agree. I just think there are way more people with mental issues than you seem to think.
I don't really understand why people get so aggro like this and start fat shaming. Like, do you react this way whenever someone smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol? It's other people's bodies. I have honestly never heard anyone say these excuses. I normally see fat people shaming and beating up on themselves. This kind of shit makes them feel like it's not even okay to be seen because of this shit. Shame is not the answer.
I smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. I'm an unhealthy addict. Obesity is a disease that shouldn't be shamed, like any other addiction/ condition. It should definitely be acknowledged/ treated, though.
Obesity is a disease
To imply that every obese person is "food addicted" is actually just another excuse, this might come as a suprise, but skinny people like to eat too! Just as the people at the pub on Friday and Saturday night are not necessarily addicted to alcohol. It's only really true in a minority of cases.
Not being willing to say, "no I've eaten enough, I don't want dessert" is not proof of an addiction, it's just proof that you value your health less than a cake.
I'm not shaming all fat people. Just the ones that only make excuses for their weight or pretend that it is healthy.
I couldn't be prouder or more supportive of an overweight person that decides enough is enough, takes ownership of their body, that they're going to lose weight and stick with it until they reach their goal.
To use your analogy, I don't care if someone drinks or smokes, but if they start pretending that it's not a choice they make it or that it's healthy, then yh, that's a problem and I don't think it's a bad thing to call them out for that.
…what? People shame others for drinking and smoking all the time. Bad example.
What are you on about? We've literally kicked smokers out of public spaces and increased their insurance rates. Alcohol in excess will also get thrown in jail.
It's not shaming anyone, to point out when something is objectively unhealthy. No-one is going around hounding people for eating an extra slice of pizza or having a drink with dinner.
But,when you are eating a whole pizza a day or are drunk at 8am people should point out that hey maybe that's not the way to go.
Are there advocates telling people it's okay and healthy to smoke? Oh, it's universally shit on with more laws every day on who can smoke?
We really ought to be passing laws to combat obesity, like adding a tax on unhealthy food and making walking and biking more attractive transportation options.
Or you could mind your own business and let those people pay for their additional health care costs. But that's not going to gain any traction.
Well, but even in the capitalist hellscape of America where we get blatantly overcharged for healthcare, we still largely use a mix of private and public insurance. Even if I didn't care about other people or want them to have long and healthy lives for its own sake, I would still want want them to be healthy because my insurance rate is tied to the overall cost of healthcare, which is higher thanks to people being unhealthy. This is an insane way of thinking, and I want everyone to be healthy for the intrinsic benefits, but even if I were to be completely selfish, well, they're costing me money.
I'm not fan of our healthcare. But if you decouple and simplify the rates it sounds like you still want to force what's important to you on others and I disagree strongly.
Force would mean throwing them in fatty prison or something ridiculous. People can do what they want, I'm still going to encourage them to get healthy. I have yet to talk to someone who regretted getting their weight under control, even those who used to claim they were fine with being overweight. Think of it like just encouraging exercise independent of weight (which is also good for you, regardless of mass status). I'm not going to force anyone into a lap pool, but I will tell them about how good exercise is for you.
Or like...charging them more for healthcare 🤣
What a crazy story you invented.
Mush brain rage bait. How many of these are bot made?
Lmao brutal
I wonder how long until lemmy.world goes mask-off full maga. And I wonder how many people will be surprised by it.
I certainly won’t be. It’s looking more and more every day like The_Donald has found a new home. Only they’re just slightly more clever about hiding it.
I'm certainly not seeing that. Could be I'm missing those posts. Could also be some, such as yourself, are expecting to see something and applying a label to explain it.
Sometimes a meme is just a meme.
I’d tell you where to see it and what to look for, but my comment would probably be removed and I’d probably be banned for it. I’m actually surprised that the comment I responded to and my own are still here.
What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you with your head in the sand.
Sometimes a meme is just a meme.
It's just a meme bro. It's just a prank dude. It's just a joke mate.