I mean, this was in 2016.
People made worse decisions that year. A lot of people.
I mean, this was in 2016.
People made worse decisions that year. A lot of people.
At this point, is being American basically a religion? Such weird cult-like displays of patriotism...
It has actually been described as such. (It's called Civic Religion) Many countries have elements of this, like France or the Soviet Union.
Yes I know nearly every country has elements like this. But in the US it's a bit more than just some elements.
I can see it in American advertisements, TV series, movies, political speeches, and a lot of rather loud opinions.
Patriotism is ingrained from birth like religion — They're forced to pledge allegiance to the flag through schooling, taught little about the world outside the US, and constantly propagandised by politics, hollywood, and capitalism from all angles; non-stop affirmation that the USA is the greatest Democracy™️ in the world, and their Freedoms™️ are the free-est free that ever freedomed.
There’s probably like 40% of us, at least, who aren’t jingoistic fuckbrains.
And they can't afford to miss a day of work to vote, thanks to that other 60%.
Yeah, that's about right. Not voting is just as bad as voting for the wrong person. There's this giant chunk of America that's sleepwalking everyone else into chaos.
There are few large countries in the world where this isn't the case. Nationalism, in general, is absolutely a cult.
How old is this photo? That’s a good price for a 12 pack of soda…
I just wanna see the person who decides that this art is cool and all but they really do need a few packs of Coke Zero so…
This may come off as ignorant, but what is that whole "We will never forget" supposed to mean? Like for what purpose will you keep reminding yourself of this?
I think it was just the brand of right wing patriotism under Bush. That's back when people used to wear NYPD hats and t-shirts even though they weren't cops.
"You have to take off your shoes at the airport and then let a random person take pictures of you naked before getting on a flight because we need to prove that you're not a terrorist. Remember what happened the last time we didn't do that? You can either submit to us, or we can have another terrorist attack."
It also marks a time in history when people started going back to church in order to find some semblance of an explanation, and the churches like the increased attendance. They've got to keep us scared that the "terrorists" are around every corner, and they have the only solution.
It was pretty much stolen from Holocaust survivors. The original idea was 'never forget the Holocaust so that people will understand that hatred leads to genocide.'
It has no concrete meaning in this context as far as I can tell.
i bet all the innocent afghanis whose lives were destroyed so the us could find and "kill" their former ally won't forget either
Meanwhile the Saudis are over it
I'll never forget... when you could buy a 12pk of brand name soda for under 5 bucks. Got a 12pk of mtn dew baja (well the free 3 cans ver.) and coke last week... 20 bucks! 😿
There is a sale this weekend at a nearby store, 2/10$ and It felt like the soda apocalypse in there with everyone running around grabbing up case after case. I don't get it, one can and my mouth feels nasty while my body is demanding water to wash it down. I guess if your body is addicted to it you get a different reaction.
The really disturbing part was seeing all the kids gleefully freaking out as they helped carry case after case (some could barely carry one case because they were so young). I have addictions myself and the parent's purchase is their own prerogative, but I would never let my kid participate in my bad habits.
..Is this putting shoppers in the role of the hijackers?
"A second customer has hit the tower."
Now you too can help destroy the twin towers
What the fuck was this merchandiser thinking?
It was 23 years ago now. It's entirely possible that the manager who had that put up doesn't even remember 9/11.
The answer to the question “who thought this was a good idea?” Is Coca Cola. The companies (and distributors) selling these products to stores negotiates with those stores to build these displays and decides what they look like.
Fuck em.
Capitalism gonna capitalize. Gotta get all the monies any way they can.
Yet we’re still doing business with Saudi Arabia, who actively participated in planning the attack at a state level
The reason, same with Israel, is because the US needs allies in the Middle East. A lot of "shock and awe" was launched from bases in Saudi Arabia. Which is extremely unsettling. But it highlights why the US keeps these countries as allies.
Imagine how different the world might be if the U.S. hadn't systematically interfered in every popular, leftist movement in South America in the last 50 years; that's even without mentioning the Banana Wars in Central America in the preceding 50.
Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?
yes, but where would we get an elephant and 12 penguines from?
I have an idea but you need to bring a corkscrew and 7 tickle-me-Elmo’s to make it work.
I mean.. I could get an RC plane..
Cursed jenga?
Somehow I have that burning desire to buy exactly that case of soda(?). Just for fun.
Man those things already look ideal to knock over, you're asking for some tiktok stunt to take this down lol
Tacky AF
Yeah where's tower 7?
Nothing wrong with this
I hate buying 12 packs and then finding out that half of the cans are depressurized(and unfizzed!) from being crushed because of these stackings :(
There ain't no -ism like capitalism.