Nah fuck this army I'm gonna go recruit some immortal ghost soldiers instead. Do whatever you want with these I'm out.
Lord of the memes
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That... That right there made me hate the entire trilogy.. So we're slowly overwhelmed, we're slowly losing and being killed and the situation is so dire and... Oh there is the immortal deux ex machina guys just trampling over the enemy killing them all in a minute aaaaand we're done!
It was so anti climactic
Agreed, I had the same thoughts with Oppenheimer. They just invent a big scary bomb and that ends the war? What an anti-climatic ending.
Kinda like the war. Island hoping through the Pacific theater for ages, then they just drop two extre spicy bombs and the whole deal is done
It would be more like, they invented the atomic bomb, use it to take Iwo Jima and then the United States goes back to sulking and wondering how the hell they're going to take the home islands.
In lotr they use the undead to win the battle of pellenor fields but they don't use it to win the war. It's a legitimate plot hole.
It's not a plot hole. The oathbreakers had satisfied their oaths and were owed peaceful rest. If Aragorn had kept them around after they had fulfilled their end of the bargain, then he would have been breaking an oath, and the fact that he doesn't even though it seems like the logical thing to do is key to Aragorn's goodness as a character and worthiness to be king.
To be fair the entire army itself was just a distraction so that frodo could destroy the ring. The ghosts weren't what caused them to win, they just prevented the death of the bait.
Right but, why bother with smoke and mirrors when you have an immortal unbeatable army in the first place.
Even in the book its not really explained why the oathbreakers only help out for one fight; the only difference is in the books they never actually go to Minas Tirith they just help against the corsairs.
Presumably Sauron could've destroyed the ghosts, he was just a little distracted at that time frame, or not yet able or willing to face them directly. Like the Eagles, they can't really tackle the Sauron problem, so aren't as much of a solve as they appear.
Also the reason they only fight in the final battle I think is because that is the only battle they're bound to fight in, I'm not even sure you could use them to fight any other battle than against Sauron's armies.
Give each guy two spears. Now you have twice the spears and you didn't even have to find more guys.
Contact me for more tips on defeating dark lords.
Maybe they have plenty of guys but not enough spears? 6000 spearheads is a lot of work for 3 days. Ask any blacksmith!
TBH it's really easy to find spearmen if you have the spears. They require vastly less training than a swordsman or shieldbearer.
"Keep the pointy end towards the enemy at all times."
"Sir, I'm a seasoned wheat farmer, I know how point sticks work thank you very much."
Good idea, but that still would be less than Aragorn hoped for
The Dark Lord summoned 1000 hot naked succubus and my men's about to succumb to the lure, how do i proceed?
Gays to the vanguard?
What would you do if you had 6000 spears and your high maintenance royal friend says it's one third of what he hoped for?
Distribute copies of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue along with each additional spear.
Now that's what I call thinking with spears.
This is a good sword.
It's a piece of shit, Aragorn, and you know it. Stop gaslighting people.
Think of it more like a placebo pill for bravery.
Why though? I don't think that Rohans problem was lack of proper swords. Giving it to a boy maybe 12-14 years old, because there is not enough men of fighting age was the problem at the time. But i don't think the Orcs would have made concessions bc. of that.
I mean...the only way you could get more spears in less time is if you made some kind of pact with an army of undead!
Théoden: "What do you expect of me? Run down to some cave and conjure up an undead army?"
Aragorn: brb
So he was hoping for at least 12002 spears.
12001 haha
Or even 12000 + a broken one
Aragorn you ungrateful bitch
Weren't both of the first 2 lines from Theoden?
Begins at 49 seconds - can't get the timestamp linking to work.
Or even better - start at 0:00 on the extended edition of Fellowship and work your way there.
If I don't remember, does that mean it's time for another rewatch?
does that mean it’s time for another rewatch?
Doesn't matter. The answer to "time for another rewatch?" is always yes.
It's never a bad time for that.
It's 2am and all I have are the extended edition DVDs.
Long day ahead of you my friend. We don't stop till nightfall. Enjoy.
Not sure, but doesn't sound right. The next actual line "More will come" is definitely said by Theoden
Both lines in the meme are from Theoden, the missing line from Aragorn is "6,000 will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor."
I knew something was off. Thank you.
So like, weren't these guys just a week prior to this fighting an existential battle against tens of thousands of Uruks? Shouldn't he know about how many soldiers and horses he has left and that they're extremely depleted?
The Rohirrim were spread out dealing with raiding parties until after Helm's Deep. Contextually we're to understand that about half their available manpower is either dealing with other problems or just didn't answer the muster.
Hey, you know another thing like this post comes to a new light, knowing that aragorn is OLDER than the king
The village blacksmith worked as hard as he could ok!!
And on top of all that y'all got him sharpening Hobbit swords like they're gonna do anything.
Is that Bill Bailey?!
Bernard Hill does look a lot alike in certain angles; never seen it before myself but you pointing it out and now I can't not see it.
Human slaves! In an orcish nation! Ah ah ah ha ha!
He's a badass. When your battlecry is "DEATH!" You know some shits about to happen .