This is so weird, I would think it's a parody or false flag.
But no, apparently it's true.
Same energy as the Trump diapers and ear patches.
Weird and crazy. I would be ashamed to be associated with this crowd.
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
This is so weird, I would think it's a parody or false flag.
But no, apparently it's true.
Same energy as the Trump diapers and ear patches.
Weird and crazy. I would be ashamed to be associated with this crowd.
I also instinctively thought to myself 'this has got to be bullshit, you probably could get Grok to generate these images'.
Then I remembered that it was only about two months ago that Trump supporters were wearing diapers to rallies... because... Trump wear diaper, people make fun of Trump wear diaper, so if we wear diaper, it like we 'reclaiming' diapers like how f@gs reclaimed f@g.
That line of logic plus: anything that elicits ... well it used to be anger, but now we'll settle for confusion, genuine disgust, an exasperated sigh, any reaction at all, or even if there is no reaction but we know it secretly makes people mad... well that's what you call owning the libs.
These people long since passed the point of being indistinguishable from poe's, from parodies of themselves, and are now much closer to brainwashed fanatical cultists... who have the mental faculties of a 'friend' group of 6th grade narcissist bullies.
I really want this to be a spoof, its possible it could be (i am too tired to check), but its also entirely in line with these fascist goobers.
So anyway, if these are real... does one keep this as a collectible of faux rotten semen, for display on a mantle or desk, or does one use the faux sperm receptacle to drink out of and mockingly pretend to be guzzling cum? See its funny cuz its not cum but you thought it was, moron.
Fucking w e i r d.
This CANNOT be real. Even the MAGA cult would refuse to do such a thing. Even if the cups are empty, it's unimaginably weird. I can only accept it as a quick joke between 5-6 people that took some photos and ended after a few minutes. Not as something organized.
Based on a Google search your instincts seem correct. Legit but small.
Shit, even if it is a small inside joke or some shit, I can't imagine the conversation nor the thought process that leads to "I'm gonna pose for a camera with a make believe jar of J.D. Vance's jizz. Like, the fuck do you have to be on to think that's even a remotely good idea?
I found one set of pics on Twitter, a different one on Threads. Still weird as hell.
I thought that about the golden Trump statue at the RNC, but here we are.
Please get me out of this filter bubble for the love of God.
They have nothing, so now they're digging through the couch cushions.
i see what you did there.
J.D. Vance dresses in drag, thought he was gay, and expirements sexually. No doubt the Republicans are doing this to show solidarity for the LGBT community; cause this is pretty gay.
Wearing diapers? Sticking maxi pads on their ears? Now carrying some sample cups?
TF is wrong with the people?
Yeah, I don't think weird is a strong enough word to describe them. This shit is beyond weird 🤨
This is Cuck behavior.
It's amazing what you can find in your couch cushions.
All I see here is proof that those MAGA folk love themselves some of that Bad Dragon cum lube.
Get xLube or kLube powder and add in titanium dioxide when you mix it, that's all it is and it's way cheaper to do it yourself.
Looking into it seems that "Cum Lube" is likely K-Lube since J-Lube goes bad relatively quickly. That said, if the lube is going inside someone, it seems like J-Lube is a much safer alternative.
TIL. Thank you for the search prompt kind stranger.
How can GTA 6 ever top that?
Nothings funnier and straighter than a ton of men carrying around another guys sperm in a cup in public. /s
What's with the sperm fetish?
Some magats want to lube their gun with liberal cum, others want to donate Vance sperm to needy liberals (how compassionate of them, for a change).
Conservatives are so fucking gross.
I feel genuinely bad for these people. I couldn't imagine even being half as stupid as they are
Collected from a campaign bus couch I assume.
This is well past's fucking creepy at this point
If anyone needs to decide not to have families, it's these people.
So we can't make fun of the upholstery burn marks on Vance's junk, but the freaks are carrying mock sperm to weird us out?
Dear Americans, eat your rich, have a revolution, institute term limits for all public offices, or do something else. But please: sort your shit out.
Sanity escaped them years ago
They've somehow managed to go far beyond "bat shit crazy", they're in unnamed territory now.
Someone should go over there and when they gleefully offer such a cup, just take it and chug it.
Then explain you had better, since it had some weird leather taste to it.
It’s not a political party, it’s a cult. Completely unhinged
and they don't want to be called weird lmao