Snowflake treatment...
But what may be more is that the network fears retaliation from MAGA supporters.
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Snowflake treatment...
But what may be more is that the network fears retaliation from MAGA supporters.
Pathetic. An insult to journalism. Par for the course.
To be far, MSNBC isn’t really journalism by definition.
Mainstream media loves Trump, he's the most exciting thing to happen to viewership since reality TV.
Makes sense, basically his only real skill has been in TV.
And he was horrible at it. The crew worked hard to make him look somewhat competent and/or normal
if that were the reason you'd think they'd air this doc during election season before he might become irrelevant. to me it seems like they’re attempting to appear unbiased.
They're doing a pretty ass job if it.
Always a good sign of a healthy culture of free speech when a major news station is openly admitting to censoring themselves due to fear of retribution.
Living in a nuclear armed banana republic with a gucci belt sure is something.
Journalistic bankruptcy.
How could they be worried about them being offended? .... they're offended by everything and everyone all the time.
Their entire political motivation is being offended, offending others and creating offences.
While true, they're now at risk of offending an actual dictator. We really don't know yet just how far he is going to be able to go when the federalist society is able to do their purity tests and flush all opposition out of the federal government.
MSNBC releases statement about not releasing documentary to generate buzz about documentary before releasing it.
Do we want to guess how much they were paid?
Oh how the mighty have fallen in line.
Does anyone buy this story?
Do we think maybe it has more to do with reminding Democratic voters that Biden's immigration and border policies aren't that much different..?
I mean, as funny as the headline is, put me in the skeptical column for the time being.
The article says its to do with them wanting to get Trump back on for a debate and if they anger him he certainly won't.
I know what it says, I read it. I just don't really buy it.
But I can see a world where my skepticism is misplaced and I'm wrong. Just putting out what I think about this into the void.
Not into the void. Its obviously not the situation described by the headline. But being lemmy, people cant accept not knowing so we churn creative new ways to express thoughtless woe.
Isn’t MSNBC typically left leaning? So why would they care if they upset Trump?