Not graffiti on smooth stonework! Winston, fetch my clutching pearls!
Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
And again they are getting attention.
It's amazing and terrible that so few people are getting how this works.
The climate going to shit should be the #1 news story on TV and the internet everywhere. Yes, it's more important than money.
If everyone's just OKAY with living for the short-term regardless of the risk of edging closer to extinction, then we need to all be upfront and make that a petition, a referendum, a signed suicide letter.
I strongly suspect a funding channel originating from fossil-fuel producers.
Okay, assume that's the case.
So the fuck what?
I keep seeing counterpoints that assume that intent informs effectiveness, when that's demonstrably just not the case. If your statement is relevant, that means you must be able to draw a causal link between that hypothesis being true and the campaign being ineffective.
Succinctly put, thanks!
Just like your troll farm account!
Glad for these guys. Their protests are the only ones that consistently get headlines and they make a point that nothing they do is permanent or a public danger.
I used to be more concerned about “le optics” of this but have come to the conclusion I was just being reactionary where I didn’t have to be.
"Their protests are the only ones that consistently get headlines and they make a point that nothing they do is permanent or a public danger."
No public danger?
Like when they blocked a roadway and kept an ambulance from moving a patient? Or when one of their protests caused enough traffic to delay a responding ambulance resulting in 2 deaths?
Or just in general figuring the best way to get across their message is to sit in a roadway.
Cite your sources babes cuz it looks like you are repeating right wing propaganda straight from the Daily Mail and The Sun 😉
About the incident of the two deaths: Just Stop Oil didn't delay us getting to M20 crash, says ambulance service
Every time I see something like this my brain always assumes it's people that actually have the opposite goal and are just trying to make actual activism look bad. Like how all of the "stop smoking" ads are made by tobacco companies. But in all honesty it's probably just me overthinking it and these guys are just dumb.
Their tactic is getting climate change in the news headlines. That tactic is working.
What "stop smoking" ads are made by tobacco companies? When googling, I found a "Philip Morris-funded Foundation for a Smoke-free World", but nothing about ads.
TRUTH was funded by tobacco giants—because the government made them. It was a settlement agreement, if I’m remembering correctly.
This was very brave. I applaud these activists. We should all do the same until politics listen and act accordingly.
Vandalizing graves and museums - what a great way to get supporters and make people sympathetic to your cause...
I have further ideas - how about beating some pre-schoolers or burning a homeless shelter to protest global warming? Or perhaps throwing mud at the elderly? Drowning some puppies? Since clearly these people believe all publicity is good publicity, think how much buzz that would generate!
There's a fair bit of evidence that it works. That's why people keep on doing it.
Academia is such a blessing I love that we have this data
What should they do?
Protest in the designated area so that we ignore them more easily? But not somewhere where it blocks cars? Maybe stop chanting to keep the noise down?
The normal protests don't seem to work.
They could attack the actual guilty parties. I remember a group recently getting on a roof of a manufacturing building, for a company who sold weapons to Israel, and sprayed stuff inside to contaminate their cleanrooms and production areas. That's pretty rad.
Edit: I had trouble finding an article with video of the roof breach, but I did find a longer video than what was previously posted, here:
So everyone should individually decide to luigi mangione CEOs?
Because when they organize they are labeled looters and rioters.
You expect climate activits to always perform exterme protests that end their life? Sounds like big talk from someone who sits behind a keyboard.
What are you even talking about? What I'm saying is, if you're committed to vandalizing something, you can target those working against your cause. It's baffling that you made this jump to murdering CEOs in a discussion about vandalism.
E: Lol, I clicked on your profile and your latest comments are calling for CEOs to fear for their lives. It's obvious now you're doing some projecting.
You will make any excuse you need to justify hating climate protesters because you have been conditioned to.
Like a dog that salivates when it hears a bell.
How about actually protesting something that's related to their cause? Blocking a highway is absolutely one of those. Or, if you want to throw paint at something, how about throwing it at an office of an oil company or a car/private jet of a CEO and not on a fucking grave?
I never said they should not protest at all or not inconvenience anyone, but vandalism of random property or cultural heritage? No, I will not support that.
They have and people whined about it.
Yeah, since they've solely done completely harmless shit up until now, why don't they just murder some dogs? That's the same thing!
I'm sad that even though I'm heavily in support of climate activisim this kind of useless stuff happens.
I'm sad no form of protest will ever be acceptable for people who want to demonize climate activists.
No I'm specifically using the word "useless".
Lets just burn down Evil Corp's headquarters. Now that is useful.
"The only acceptable form of protest is the kind I'm too much of a coward to carry out myself"
Exactly. I never do such stuff.
Never ever mister police man.
Then go do that.
I wonder what went trough your head when you pressed Post after writing such a useless comment.
What the hell are you talking about? Somebody just punched the United Healthcare CEO's ticket to Hell several decades early. That enjoyed widespread support. By contrast, historical artifacts and working peoples' livelihoods have value. Meanwhile, climate activists just pull one smarmy, performative, insincere stunt after another, and not even so much as a drop of gasoline has been spilled on a single oil CEO's house.
I wouldn't pay this guy too much attention. It seems like an obvious troll account. It's 11 days old and spewing out comments at nearly one a minute. They talk down to anyone mentioning the CEO shooting while claiming "nothing will improve until the rich fear for their lives" in other posts. It's clear they're just trying to stir up shit.
Truly an individual with valuable time.
So the only form of viable protest is one where the protesters trade their lives for the lives of the rich?
Seems like big talk from a keyboard warrior.
Maybe you should go do it since you don't like how they protest.
Nah, they should frame you for it and then we'd be spared your vaporing.
The short-term survival and domination of the shittiest species ... the sequel he never published.
They succeeded in getting attention. Look at all the comments posted here. The issue needs attention. The issue also needs fact checking. I was pleased with fact checking I got from about the wildfires in LA County. Maybe fact checking bots should be included in online discussion forums.
The bots are mostly langauge models, not knowledge models. I don't regard them as sufficiently reliable to do any kind of fact checking.