I’d like to see the information environment that made this guy a Trump supporter.
What did he see? Was he deep in Facebook? Twitter? Local stuff?
Also feel free to check out [email protected] (also active).
Icon credit C. Brück on Wikimedia Commons.
I’d like to see the information environment that made this guy a Trump supporter.
What did he see? Was he deep in Facebook? Twitter? Local stuff?
From what I understand, Republicans, especially in Florida, put out political ads targeted specifically at Cuban immigrants. They play off the inherent hatred of communism in this demographic to convince them to vote against the "radical Marxist Democrats."
Could just be stupid.
This scene popped into my head. https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=MKmRo1z2Kop-rwFD
environment that made this guy a Trump supporter
A LOT of Immigrants and Illegals in the US are very pro-Trump. I spoke with a few in my old neighborhood to get their take.
They said that the government didn't worry them because it wasn't that far off from where they came from. They felt elitism created niches where someone knowledgeable could profit. Party of the entrepreneurs and all.
Two said they didn't want any more immigrants here, they felt pressure from the incoming immigrants to take their places and out-compete them for work.
Because this was the last trump presidency, there was less deportation talking. I'm sure that gave some concern, but If I had to guess based on their psyche, I'd say they expected the deportation to lighten the low-hanging fruit and take the pressure off their own jobs at the same time, expecting them would just be ok because they were always ok.
expecting them would just be ok because they were always ok.
And therein lies the problem. "It's always been good for me so the suffering of others doesn't bother me."
I'm guessing that a lot of people who grow up under communist governments have learned that what the government says is bullshit and they should trust what random people say more, since they don't have the ability to do research online and have access to free, uncensored information.
Then they go to a democracy and continue the pattern.
No idea though.
There's more context to it. When Castro first took over Cuba, the first wave of emigrants to flee the country was referred to as "the Golden exile." These were people who already had wealth and/or connections to the previous Cuban political regime. They feared losing their status and privileges under communism, so when they left and settled in other places, such as south Florida, they brought their beliefs and attitudes with them.
From the linked Wikipedia page:
By the middle of 1959 various new policies had affected Cuban life such as the redistribution of property, nationalization of religious and private schools, and the banning of racially exclusive social clubs. Those that began to leave the island were driven by them being negatively affected by new economic policies, their distaste with new national public schools, or anxiety over government supported racial integration. The government would quickly label exiles who left as "racists", discouraging Afro-Cubans to also emigrate. These conditions caused the majority of those who emigrated to be either upper or middle class, white, and catholic.
As a result, a large number of Cuban exiles that came to the United States aligned themselves with the Republican party. To this day, the connection remains (and is encouraged by politicians that can benefit from it, as another commented noted.)
i reside in a coastal community in south florida, and can confirm that in my experience wealthy cubans are just as racist and classist as wealthy whites. their kids all go to private school together. they have the same 3% stickers on their pavement princesses.
OMG he must be so happy right now.
He is! He voted Trump for the free flight home! So much winning!
He really owned the libs.
“I’m on of the good ones!” They scream as they are being put into an ICE van!
“I voted for Trump!” They plead.
“I’n here legally!” They cry.
ICE cares not for their screams. For ICE only cares that they are non-white*.
*Don’t worry white immigrants. One day, you too shall be deported. Once all the non-white people are gone.
Funny fact about a cage, they’re never built for just one group, So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you
~~Killer Mike~~ El-P
I would bet money he still supports Trump, there's no limit to the doubling down.
I would bet money he still supports Trump
Obviously, trump just put him there by accident, he didn't know he was one of the good immigrants, If they just had some way to signal him, he'd change his plan.
The catch is that there's no real benefit to not supporting Trump, as an individual. Its basically the Pascal Wager. If you pray to Trump, then he may hear you and appreciate it, at which point there's a small-but-real chance to benefit. If you pray to him and he doesn't, you've lost nothing. If you defy him, there's a a small-but-real chance he makes your life worse. But if he doesn't, you don't really gain anything for your defiance.
The incentives are all skewed as there's no material support for migrants in the US from either major party. Harris is out there telling people "Do Not Come!" and Biden was deporting people as fast as any prior president, Trump included. Republicans were practically telling on themselves when they insisted that Democrats wanted to import a bunch of voters to swing the election, because that's exactly what the Republican playbook was in Florida via Cuban Expats (heavily Republican-leaning constituency that enjoy some of the loosest immigration rules on the books).
This Cuban MAGA guy has every reason to keep chanting Trump's name and hope he (or one of his minions) notices. There's zero reason to appeal to the Clintonite liberals, as they have no power to improve his situation and no interest in doing so even if they did.
The Cubans thought they were safe because they've been staunch Republicans. One of the key demographics in keeping Florida red.
Well, now they learn. And for people thinking oh they'll release him when they find out they can't deport him because there are no flights to Cuba...
ICE asks where you're from but they don't take your word for it. They can easily decide you're from anywhere else, like Haiti or El Salvador. And with quotas they are now incentivized to do so, rather than before where the paperwork incentivized them to accept you were not deportable.
I always thought it was funny Cubans voting Republican. I am told it's because they fear socialism because of Castro, so they vote for fascism. Even though the DNC is still far into the capitalism territory. It makes no sense to me.
They feared the tankies so much, they voted the far-right...
The first wave of Cuban immigrants to the US came immediately after the revolution, and it was mostly rich people. Castro was redistributing the land and the wealth, executing former police torturers, and going after crime lords who had been safe under the Batista regime, and every worm that could escape did so. These types were allowed into the US for their propaganda value because of course they wouldn't have any trouble going on TV and talking about how horrible communism was and crying about how their plantations were taken away from them by the government. That group of rich people and cops was already right wing by American standards when they came here, and set the tone for all Cuban migrants who came after.
Fuck him and fuck ICE.
they're together now. rule 34?
That’s a quality self-own, if you ask me.
Wait, hold on, this person was actually here illegally (not passing judgement) and openly campaigned for someone who was talking about deporting people?
Edit: Fix typo
He's an anti-communist who thought he was the right kind of refugee.
Keeping in mind refugees and asylum seekers are not illegal.
Unfortunately for his dumb ass, Trump didn't just not reinstate the Wet Feet, Dry Feet policy, he specifically complained about its existence (despite it ending under Obama)
But, also, he's literally a criminal and a scammer so while this is still a Face Eating Leopard situation it's not * just* because Trump is a racist.
Well, that was a pretty dumb thing for him to do. It's not like Trump was unclear on his deportation policies.
"But I'm one of the good ones"
This is where American politics feels so culty.
So many Democrats and Republicans honestly think they'll be spared the negative consequences of their vote just because they demonstrated loyalty. These people are very clear on what they're going to do to you, whether it's Trump saying he's going to deport 20,000,000 people or Nancy Pelosi saying 'We're capitalists" and we're going to profit while we let our golf buddies rob you of your labor.
This is what the Cuban gentleman voted for, and it's unreasonable that he expected to be spared.
I know people like this. For some reason people affected by different policies are surprised because they thought he was kidding. Deportations? Na, he's not actually gonna do that. Tarrifs? Na, he wouldn't do that.
I know, he literally said he would, but idk.
Relavant portion, translated, from the article:
The case of Hector Luis Valdes Cocho: From activist to ICE detainee
Hector Luis Valdés Cocho, known for his political activism and criticism of the Cuban regime , faces a complicated legal situation in the United States. He is currently in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Broward Transition Center in Florida.
Valdés Cocho gained notoriety as an independent journalist, exposing abuses in Cuba. However, in recent months, he has been the target of accusations of alleged financial fraud, which has generated discontent among his followers and affected his credibility. Several people have publicly accused him of questionable practices, including financial deception.
Specific details about the charges he faces have not been released, but his presence at the Broward Transitional Center in ICE custody suggests he could be deported to the island.
This community really fired up since the US election lol
Leopards got him
The system is working as designed. This is how the system was built to work.
Dude campaigns for rich asshole, rich asshole deports him on principle.
The worker shortage that will be caused by deporting illegal workers will not be filled by the fat lazy Americans who are unemployed. They refuse to do such work because it is beneath them. So we'll have a massive gap, especially on farms. The farmers will take this to the government, and the farmers will get even more compensation because the government keeps fucking them over. Over and over and over again.... At this point, I think farmers qualify as government employees.
I am not a fan of the narrative that Americans are too lazy to take jobs that are being worked by immigrants. It's just not true. Americans won't take these jobs because these jobs aren't going to pay what Americans demand. Not because they're lazy. These immigrants are being taken advantage of and are being paid way less than they deserve simply because they're illegal immigrants. Them being deported isn't going to suddenly make these jobs higher paying positions. The problem is with corporations. Not with immigrants nor with American citizens (well except the fucked up americans that voted for trump).
Useful idiot
I don't actually feel bad for this guy at all. He was a scammer and probably deserves to be deported, but I'm not going to credit Trump for accidentally doing a good thing, his rhetoric just happened to align with reality for a very brief moment.
He just wanted a free trip back to Cuba. 😂
"Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my actions!"