poor donkeys
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They even explained it was a good thing in the Duma.
How? What was their logic as presented?
The first time I saw this posted, someone wrote that motorized vehicles leave tracks that are super easy to follow with a drone. Donkey tracks, not so much.
"Better a donkey gets killed than a soldier" talking about transporting stuff. That is what I heard, I didn't follow the actual talk in the Duma.
The problem is that it's a false argument, the better way is to secure the transport, but it seems like there is a shortage of armored transports :-)
Even a shortage of not-armored transports, and maybe even gas too...
I was under impression all the donkeys are pretty busy ruling Russia.
There a bit of an understandable difference, but I do think they're actually called asses.
let’s hope they send them to the front lines next
Bonus, they can also be fucked.
Putin's already fucked everyone in Russia.
I really hate these psyop fake news...
Russians are using donkeys haha
Sure budyd, Ukraine is still ont the defensive, we dont need propaganda, Ukraine needs weapons deliveries.
Both things can be true.
There's drone shots of Russians using donkeys, but that doesn't mean they're suddenly WW2 Germany, relying on millions of draft animals because they don't have trucks.
But Ukraine ALSO needs a fuckton more weapons.
It's literally being reported from Russian news with Russian politicians on record talking about it. The only psyops fake news here is you and your deliberate lies and misinformation.
These Russian disinfo morons can't keep their emotions in check and have such poor education they don't realise how see-through they are.