I'd rather see a Funkadelic of owls...
For owls that are superb.
US Wild Animal Rescue Database: Animal Help Now
International Wildlife Rescues: RescueShelter.com
Australia Rescue Help: WIRES
Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Italy Wild Bird Rescue: wildvogelhilfe.org
If you find an injured owl:
Note your exact location so the owl can be released back where it came from. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitation specialist to get correct advice and immediate assistance.
Minimize stress for the owl. If you can catch it, toss a towel or sweater over it and get it in a cardboard box or pet carrier. It should have room to be comfortable but not so much it can panic and injure itself. If you can’t catch it, keep people and animals away until help can come.
Do not give food or water! If you feed them the wrong thing or give them water improperly, you can accidentally kill them. It can also cause problems if they require anesthesia once help arrives, complicating procedures and costing valuable time.
If it is a baby owl, and it looks safe and uninjured, leave it be. Time on the ground is part of their growing up. They can fly to some extent and climb trees. If animals or people are nearby, put it up on a branch so it’s safe. If it’s injured, follow the above advice.
For more detailed help, see the OwlPages Rescue page.
Does it involve a play on the words cloaca or nictitating membrane? More like...nictitating NO brains, am I right?
In short, the owl glossary didn't help.
I FIGURED IT OUT. I'm such a fucking idiot.
Ooh, ooh!
Hoo, hoo!*
The level of sloppiness of this AI slop is especially high
For sure! But the only reason I prodded the AI forward in such a way was to produce a silly joke. For a silly reason. For a well-known reason!
Or not...?
Joke is fine, it’s just sad to see something that looks so grotesque in a community otherwise devoted to nature photography and an appreciation of these beautiful animals.
Not that my opinion should necessarily be relevant to you in any way but I think taking the 10 mins to paste actual owl heads over an actual photo of a…room full of important looking people…would have been funnier while also actually possessing some aesthetic value
it’s just sad to see something that looks so grotesque in a community otherwise devoted to nature photography and an appreciation of these beautiful animals.
Right mate, but WHAT EXACTLY sheltered world do you live in, in which a terrible disaster happens 'pon a wayward, funny owl post, eh?
Yeah yeah with the sheltering and the big disaster. Listen dog, everything’s okay right now. We’re cool. Your joke is nice like I said. The image looks like trash, and I told you so directly because I’d rather not see trash here. You “prodded” it into existence in one second, right? Why get so defensive about it?
This is Superbowl - where we give a hoot.
the sheltering and the big disaster
Okay, I'm listening!
Is this your final comment? You spammed a bunch of angry nonsense then deleted it over a period of three hours. I can still see the full text of all that in my inbox btw.
Genuinely just sad. And now what do you even want with this last message? Good job listening, here’s a gold star lol? This is really the zinger you finally settled on after all that?
This is really the zinger you finally settled on after all that?
Hah, I think it was moreso my catching myself and changing course. If an apology is in order, then I hereby offer it.
The problem on my end is that I like contributing where I can (on top of running my community) but am almost always working through a level of pain & fatigue, having a pretty much fatal disease in CFS/ME.
Admittedly, I have a short fuse when it comes to what I perceive as low-effort critique, even if it's just me mistaking the situation and replying inappropriately. I'm generally at the end of my rope at that point, and should undoubtedly be doing something else, even if it's just to ignore replies(!)
I've also been stung like this before when contributing occasional AI-aided content. A common thing seems to be people assuming I put zero creativity or effort in to coaxing out something which I thought was fairly amusing after my work and final edits. [for example]
OTOH, this has been about my sixth post across about two months in this particular sublemmy, and all have gone well so far until this one, which perhaps did slightly-less-well. "Anon6789" has been going above and beyond, and seeing that, I've wanted to help out when I can.
Well, thank you for taking the time to apologize and provide context
It’s awesome that you do so much to bring life into lemmy despite your medical situation. The situation at large here isn’t a reflection of you or your other contributions
A common thing seems to be people assuming I put zero creativity or effort in to coaxing out something
I read the rest of the comments here, and the post you linked to just now. The friction you’re running into with these posts isn’t related to you or your chronic illness or your posting history. Nobody is doing a background check on you before downvoting; most don’t even glance at your username
It’s just the nature of AI generated content. Nobody can tell what effort you may have invested in this type of post, you know? This is without even getting into the very long list of reasons why AI content is divisive in general. No matter what you and I discuss here, the situation will most likely repeat any time this type of content is posted away from one of the dedicated communities for it
On one hand I do appreciate you posting on the Fediverse and supplying a nice joke for us, on another, AI… it's not exactly popular here and I can understand why. I think you might have posted something about that in Fedigrow before?
You might want to at least label this image as AI-generated. Obviously I know this is not a real picture, people don't walk around with owl heads instead of person heads, but I'm one of those folk still really easily fooled by AI images and without people in the comments talking about it I definitely would have thought some artist made this.
Nope, not me. Check my history to see my business...
I'll take your word for it. Checking history always makes me feel somehow creepy, and if I do not suspect you of purposeful bad-faith engagement (then I'd want to see what the rest of your engagement looks like so I could judge if it is a bad-faith post) I have no reason to bother. Sorry for the mixup!
Okay, thanks for explaining.
As has happened before, I'm frankly a bit grouchy upon criticism of my AI-aided content. I do feel the post as it stands is relevant to this sub, as it's based on a real phenomenon (the definition of a group of owls) applied to a famous place which bears that definition, and then populated by the actual subjects of this sublemmy. In short, it's a simple joke / riddle combining those different elements.
I came up with this idea myself and I wrangled ChatGPT until it came up with the final image I was (more or less) pleased with. Otherwise, if my health wasn't so shitty, I might have taken the time and effort to do a watercolor on the concept, but realistically that's not possible anymore. Cheers.
Okay I give up. Someone spoil me.
The most common collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament.
Huh. There are some humans (non-owls) in there, so I thought the joke had something to do with them.
AI spoils my fun. Again.
Oh, I thought it was kind of a Hoos Hoo of government.
yay! I got it! I just wasn't sure I got it until somebody said it explicitly 😅
I think most of the planet would like to see a multitude of crows in the oval office.
Now this is subtlety! 😉
dirt_owl is the superb owl this is easy
I think this is subtle?
What an interesting group
Now would you even say... legislative...?
Ahahaha I only know this because I had to google it for a joke at work yesterday