I think shoplifting from Walmart should be considered a public service. I think minor criminals should be sentenced to 100 hours of community service, shoplifting from Walmart.
Fuck Walmart.
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I think shoplifting from Walmart should be considered a public service. I think minor criminals should be sentenced to 100 hours of community service, shoplifting from Walmart.
Fuck Walmart.
What's the penalty for being unskilled at washing the cars? Straight to jail?
In before "cruel and unusual punishment".
For the record, nobody is in favor of cruel punishment. Unusual though? Why not get creative with it?
This is not cruel or unusual punishment. Its just forced labor, but very specific.
If they can decline this sentence and just take imprisonment instead it's not that different than any other community service sentence, at least as far as the convicted are concerned.
However, the taxpayers of Arkansas are getting screwed when their criminal justice system is providing free labor to a private business like this. These people should be cleaning up public parks or roadways, not giving people an incentive to shop at this store.
I don't know that it's free labor for the business, it's not like WalMart offers car washes. But you're right, it will draw traffic to the store.
I wouldn’t want anyone else but me washing my car, so I hope they have to get consent first.
Oh, no doubt. At the same time, I don't see how running a free car wash = restitution either.
It's wintertime in Michigan. Come spring, their cars will be nasty from all the road salt and muck. Plus, it probably won't exactly be bikini weather when they get scheduled to do it. They will be cold and grimy very quickly.
I like this community service. I suppose you could say the judge was feeling extra salty that day.
This 100%. Creative atonement doesn’t make it cruel.
nobody is in favor of cruel punishment
Yeah, I'm sure the people in charge of Abu Ghraib didn't think anything they were doing was cruel. Next you'll tell me that nobody's in favor of bad ideas.
Pretty sure nobody who saw the Abu Ghraib photos was in favor of that. Failing to charge the Bush administration with war crimes was a huge lapse on the part of Nancy Pelosi at the time, and Obama after the fact. Their dereliction led directly to Trump.
Pretty sure nobody who saw the Abu Ghraib photos was in favor of that.
Fair, yeah, sorry, that was a more harsh comment than you deserved, states punishing people just makes me all no fun at parties mode, and that particular episode got seared into my brain pretty deeply so it's like a reflexive go to.
To put the point I was trying to make less confrontationally - people who do cruel things always think they're justified and there's a natural urge to want to see bad people get punished that can lead to some really awful things, so we really need to keep a critical eye on it imo. That all said, yeah, giving people the option to do a carwash in decent weather is definitely not cruel punishment.
Failing to charge the Bush administration with war crimes was a huge lapse on the part of Nancy Pelosi at the time, and Obama after the fact. Their dereliction led directly to Trump.
Can't agree strongly enough, so much of the money and people behind both of those political machines are the same and the threat to the country their "shock and awe disfavored outgroup at taxpayer expense and make our friends rich while doing so" posed to us should have been obvious long before we got to this point.
Most of Lemmy deserves to be sent to Gitmo
The judge is participating in the sentence too.
Oh, I can guarantee you some evil, heartless right-wingers are for cruel punishment.
The kind of conservatives that ought to be castrated and then fed it.
How is it legal to wash cars in a parking lot? So the soapy runoff just goes straight to the watershed?
Don't you have laws requiring the water to be sent down the drain for treatment before discharge?
There is far worse shit than a little soap draining off a huge parking lot.
And no, you can't really treat storm drain runoff. There's no way to treat billions of gallons fast enough that it doesn't back up and flood the area.
That's why you wash cars in special built lots that send the waste water to the sewers.
Nothing else should be draining off the parking lot. If there is, fines should be assessed or cars should be impounded.
Every parking lot and road is soaked in oil. You can experience it yourself when it first starts to rain, the roads become super slick until enough rain has washed some oil off.
You want to fine and impound the cars of poor people who can't afford a perfectly sealed vehicle?
We must protect the watershed. The government needs to do their job.
It's illegal in most of Europe to wash your car outside of special parking lots (usually at/near fuel stations) for good reason.
All that oil is a problem. Owning a car should not give you permission to pollute the environment.
Might as well water the flowers in the public park with used motor oil while you're at it. Dispensing oil is expensive and insisting on proper waste procedure clearly discriminates against poor people.
At this time of year, that's a punishment for both sides.