Not a problem: schools will be closed soon anyway.
San Francisco
That drives me crazy.
We have a cop that directs traffic in the morning at our school and they do nothing about people parked in the drop off lane
Police and parking patrol are two totally different divisions in my city.
Not in mine
To be fair, I see no red on the curb. Is there a sign posted? If not, they can get fukt
It's faded on the bottom right of the image, but this does appear to be a No Parking zone. It definitely needs a repaint
The curb is painted white. Hard to tell from the picture. It's also stenciled "No Parking"
Looks like that starts at the end tho, and barely
City or school (whoever is responsible) needs to repaint that. It's not exactly white anymore. It's barely a shade brighter than the sidewalk.
Props to the person that added accent marks to the Spanish notice
that looks like a 25 years old Mitsubishi Montero, probably doesn't run anymore
Nissan Pathfinder
lol, i have owned both at different times, looked familiar, picked up the wrong one
I wonder how difficult it is to remove those pages from the windows
Back in my schooldays, those wheels'd be upgraded to cinder blocks (+ whatever else could be salvaged in a blink) and' itd be accomplished without so much as a witness. Hell, same time elsewhere in the city, mofos used to roll up at stoplights, belly-down on skateboards to nick hubcaps (under the "radar" of mirrors/sight-arcs) while fools were waiting for the green, and take off in different directions.
This jackass got off light. 🖕🏼
I've seen cars on cinder blocks before. But they aren't usually old beaters like this.