I think bagels are boiled, then baked. Cooked twice.
Then we toast them to cook them a third time.
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I think bagels are boiled, then baked. Cooked twice.
Then we toast them to cook them a third time.
And if we're from the Midwest and at a fair, cook them a fourth time by deep frying them.
That might make me consider actually going to the state fair instead of bitching about it making traffic terrible by bringing a ton of people into the middle of the city
We went this fall like we have for the past few years but even the lemonades were $10-15 so I don’t think we’ll be returning.
Our state fair is in some little ass town in the middle of nowhere. I've always wanted to make the 3 hour drive, just never gotten around to it, $15 lemonades don't sound very encouraging.
what would cooking them for a fifth time look like. is it even possible?
boil > bake > grill > fry > microwave
"Just fucking kill me already"
Like some hardcore JPEG re-compression
Nobody knows...
I think it has more to do with wanting the bread warm in any way ... so that you can melt butter on top of it. Nothing like fresh baked bread and melting butter over it. The next best thing is to take cold bread, toast it and melt butter over it.
I grew up poor and I remember being a kid and craving melted butter on warm toast but we seldom had any ... so we often opted to using just lard instead. Same sensation but the taste wasn't as good.
Hey! ..... I'm OK! .... Me and my arthritic body, I'm OK!
I hope you're aware of The Heart Attack Grill. Amazing fries cooked in lard. All you can eat fry bar. The burgers are pretty good too.
When I went they stopped at a quadruple burger. This thing is insane.
I’ll do you one better… toast the bread, add the butter, then when that’s all melted into place, sprinkle cinnamon over it. Fucking amazing.
Ooh I'm excited to try this. Going to do this next time I want a slight snack.
I wouldn't be surprised if originally it was something you did to rescue stale bread. Can't waste any good food when it's scarce, you know?
I still use it to rescue state bread. Either that, or if I need a harder/warmer surface to spread things on.
Y'all gonna want summa this guh'mint cheese for that state bread, too, ya know.
Of course it was that.
Fresh bread has the glutens all loose and digestible. When the bread goes stale the glutens have tightened up again and become less nutritionally available. Toasting loosens the proteins up again and makes it all nicey-nicey for de tummy.
Sorry for the niche technical language at the end.
People toast fresh bread? Why, fresh bread is good as-is.
I mean, if it's fresh from a bakery - sure, but "factory-fresh"? I think toasted is definitely an improvement.
For the love of Crust.
In crust we trust, amen!
Watch the shock on OP's face when they learn of bis-cuit.
Do you mean crunchy cookies, or savory butter scones?
Maillard, there is a special place in paradise for you.
Maillard Place would be a funny name for a mansion.
Knowing humanity, it involves either a dare, laziness, desperation, an accident or pigheaded stuberness, and usually a combination of those.
Perhaps someone smoked some smelly herbs and the only available thing to eat afterwards happened to be stale bread and butter.
I guess that'd technically qualify as an accident. A happy accident, if you will.
Now french it
Sourdough is good. Toasted sourdough is bread's best life.
What's even better, spread mayo on both sides and fry it on a flat top.
I don't even like mayo but this is the correct way to make a grilled cheese. The mayo is just oil and makes the bread really nice and light and crispy.
And yet, why I dint exactly know, miracle whip doesn't work nearly as well
Maillard reaction is pretty awesome
I have always contended that bread is just raw toast.
Toast is life.
I mean, you can make toast the first time you cook it, if you do it at the wrong temperature and for too long. Also, it definitely won't be toasted evenly.
Still you'd end up with enough toast that you could try it out and see if you liked it, before anyone had invented it. Since this happens by accident all the time, it's reasonable to assume we've known about toast exactly as long as we've known about bread.
Toast is where the sliced non crust part of the bread gets cooked. You can't make toast when originally cooking because you just end up with thicker darker crust. The inside of over baked does not become toast.
A brilliant confluence of skill and purpose!
You bake bread and you toast .. toast.
Rebaked bread.
Toast sandwich