I did count my likes from some top liked comments or posts of mine before. It kinda feels the same as karma, to me.
I'd say that people always find some way to get addicted to something, in whatever.
I did count my likes from some top liked comments or posts of mine before. It kinda feels the same as karma, to me.
I'd say that people always find some way to get addicted to something, in whatever.
You can also have a chance to get out of such a negative surrounding, connect with people that respect you and do actions that raise your self esteem (back).
Live and let live, man! And preferably with no sexism!
Fines and jail time is too much I think. I'd vote for a thorough reprimand and maybe cleaning the grounds from trash instead.
I think it was DOOM (Psychophobia mod over GZDoom).
I tried GTA5 when I made an account there. The game was given free. Didn't play for long though, and I dislike the idea of having more than Steam. (I have GOG for Sims but I don't use that either)
I tried Rocket League at work. It is fun and I'd like to continue at home...but opening up that Epic Store kinda is a turn-off for the deal.
I guess those insects look for "true love" out of the beer bottles...dunno can we say that the males are looking for the same thing out of AI.
I can believe that.
"I cook dead people"
I recall I didn't get some sites working on Chrome either, when Firefox fails me 😅
My principle is "One euro, for one hour".
Does the game cost 40e? Am I unsure whether I'd enjoy the game for 40 hours? I'll get it for free first. Does it stick for that 40 hours or more, or will I get sure enough while playing to play that 40 hours at least? OK, take my money. No? It gets forgotten in my folder, and probably deleted later.