The people who prepetuated these crimes are in no way suffering. They're high on the hog at the moment.
Some would say his tastes are quite rich.
I too desire this.
You don't say?
Also, why is getting a doctor step 6?
At today's market price that'd be $305,000. Not as much as I was expecting. Google says there's approximately 62,000LBS of copper in the statue.
It's called a poll tax, and yes it's supposed to be illegal. What godforsaken state (they all are in their own special way.) is pulling that?
Yeah I'm also lost.
I was listening to an episode of "It Could Happen Here" about LA fire and mutual aid. What stood out was the fact that the LAPD was sweeping homeless camps DURING the fire and that people who had lost their homes came up to the organizers asking to get public housing and we're shocked that the wait list is years long.
Pretty bleak world we've created.
After a long day of work I often desire to be stretched on the rack ala Lurch in the Addams Family.
I'm a bit of a word nerd, and I was wondering the etymology of the word kidnap.
kidnap (v.)
1680s, thieves' cant, a compound of kid (n.) "child" and nap (v.) "snatch away," which probably is a variant of nab (v.). Perhaps a back-formation from kidnapper, which is recorded earlier. Originally "to steal children to provide servants and laborers in the American colonies.
It's as American as apple pie apparently.
Leave the phone also.