
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (4 children)

It's not out of the question that we get emergent behaviour where the model can connect non-optimally mapped tokens and still translate them correctly, yeah.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (6 children)

It is a concern.

Check out and try entering some freeform hexadecimal data - you'll notice that it does not cleanly segment the hexadecimal numbers into individual tokens.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (8 children)

Still, this does not quite address the issue of tokenization making it difficult for most models to accurately distinguish between the hexadecimals here.

Having the model write code to solve an issue and then ask it to execute it is an established technique to circumvent this issue, but all of the model interfaces I know of with this capability are very explicit about when they are making use of this tool.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 6 days ago (11 children)

Is this real? On account of how LLMs tokenize their input, this can actually be a pretty tricky task for them to accomplish. This is also the reason why it's hard for them to count the amount of 'R's in the word 'Strawberry'.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

Fwiw, that's not the traditional presentation. The traditional is, from bottom to top:

  • spiced bun as quoted, with top cut off
  • almond paste
  • whipped cream (a generous amount)
  • top as a lid, with powdered sugar

I've never seen one with jam, although people go wild with the variations these days.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago

Well, it's obviously not going to be the iPad that wins in that case

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

If there was a real demand for big pockets, there would be money to make in selling those, and big pocket brands would dominate.

I think you might be giving a bit too much credit to the industry here.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 6 days ago (3 children)

No, that's the wrong sweet baked good - the story goes that he went to town on 14 servings of Hetvägg, the ancestor to the popular Semla.

We eat Semla for Shrove Tuesday in Sweden, which traditionally marked the beginning of the Lent and hence fasting until Easter. Another name for Semla is fastlagsbulle, which roughly translates to "fasting bun".

Hetvägg is a Semla served on a plate with hot milk.

If you have a Swedish bakery nearby, try seeing if they serve Semla. Or get one when you visit Sweden, if they are in season during your visit.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago (2 children)

There used to be pockets on women's clothes - or more accurately, you tied them on yourself as they came separately from the clothes - but they fell out of fashion as handbags became the fashion statement that said: look - I'm not poor enough to have to have pockets.

Very dumb, but it is what it is.

What baffles me now is that pockets on women's clothes haven't made a comeback yet. How asleep at the wheel are fashion designers?

[–] [email protected] 19 points 6 days ago (7 children)

Depends on what kind of generation of MacBook that is. Intel-series? I'm leaning ThinkPad. M-series? It's gonna have to be the MacBook.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

As others mentioned it's diminishing returns, but there's still a lot of good innovation going on in the codec space. As an example - the reduction in the amount of space required for h265 compared to h264 is staggering. Codecs are a special form of black magic.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

Fucking losers


It's probably time we admit cars that are a bit too useful as weapons to continue affording them the vast uncritical access they currently enjoy in our built environments.


Tänka sig att jag var glad när jag såg att investering i tåg gått igång långt i norr, också blir man tvungen att se att de tagit bort på andra platser.

Dubbelspår mellan Gävle och Sundsvall måste byggas om det ska gå att få någon form av effektiv tågtrafik för orter norr om Sundsvall och söderut. Hela sträckan är tungt belagd och inga tåg kan idag köra över 100 km/h. Med dubbelspårsutbyggnaden skulle det gå dubbelt så snabbt över sträckan för mycket betydliga tidsbesparingar, för att inte tala om hur pass många fler tåg som kommer att kunna trafikera sträckan. Trafiken är idag också väldigt bräcklig, och ersättningsbussar måste ofta sättas in.


Dags att städa ut lite i regeringen.


Bra att det byggs mer järnväg, men det behövs mer.


This post is inspired by me seeing an ambulance in the bike lane by the apartment building opposite of mine.

By this point, I'm sure we've all had just about enough of anti-urbanists and NIMBYs claiming in bad faith that bike lanes and bus lanes will be obstructive for emergency vehicles, and as such cannot be built.

You're probably well aware that exactly the opposite is the case - cars are the principal obstruction for emergency vehicles, and emergency vehicles can actually make very efficient use of bike and bus lanes to shorten response times.

I propose that we flip the argument on its head by rebranding bike and bus lanes as Emergency Vehicle-lanes, which just so happen to afford permission to buses and bikes when not in active use by emergency vehicles (which is of course already the case, everyone is required to yield any space to emergency vehicles, at least where I live).

This way, we kill this particular argument against bike and bus lanes in its crib, and expose the opposition as being actually against emergency vehicle mobility, in favour of having more lanes to drive their cars on.

Let me know what you think!


Det vore riktigt häftigt att se en stabil järnvägsförbindelse till Finland.



Taxichaufförer är verkligen bland de värsta bilförarna att ha att göra med i trafiken.

Högre krav måste ställas. Permanent avstängning från yrkestrafik bör vara självklar konsekvens i det här fallet. Våld skall inte vara tillåtet bara för att gärningsmannen använde ett fordon som vapen.


2025 blir bara underligare och underligare. Timbro med ett renodlat bra förslag? Vad är haken?


När vi inte trodde att 2025 kunde bli värre så slår det till med det här.


I'm having issues getting the app to behave in a predictable manner with regards to localization.

For reference, my system locales are:

  1. en_SE
  2. sv_SE
  3. es_ES

With this locale setup, I expect my apps to be presented in English whenever possible. However, Summit defaults to Swedish under these circumstances. I tried overriding the locale in the app settings and setting it to en_GB, which is a slight improvement, but the app seems to "forget" the setting after a while being backgrounded and reverts to Swedish. Occasionally, the List-screen is in English, but Detail-screens are in Swedish.

Finally, when using this overridden locale, the keyboard also defaults to en_GB, while I prefer my keyboard to always follow the default locale whenever possible. I'm not sure if this is something overridden in the app or if it's caused by the temporary override I have on language in the app, but I figured it should be mentioned.


Samtidigt kan det bli förbjudet för föräldrar att använda sina barn som tolkar.

Vad anser de vara värdet i en sådan policy?

Kom ihåg att grymhet är poängen för högern. Ge dem sparken i nästa val.

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