When I watched Avengers Infinity War and Endgame in the cinema on launch day, the audience was very reactive. There was cheering, applause, laughter, etc.
Was a great experience you rarely get in this extent, elsewhere. Every one in those theatre rooms was a big enough fan though, to go see the non dubbed version in a non English speaking country on launch day.
Stuff like that is great and ads to the cinema experience. However, I very much believe the „brainrotification“ of cinema, as described by oop, would infinitely detract from the experience for everyone but the most late stage adhd brainrot gen z and gen alpha ppl. I would not go to a cinema like that.
I don’t think JE can be discontinued for the time being without a lot of uproar. The two editions, while similar on the surface, are two very different games underneath and I and quite a few people I know would never touch bedrock with a ten foot pole. Part of that is of course mod support, part of it are the micro transactions and part of that is just some things working just a little bit differently for no apparent reason. The whole thing just feels a bit uncanny every time I’ve tried it.