And porn sites win again. Most of them which have auto translation also have an option to turn it off.
Multilingual people all must have experienced YouTube's f**kery with auto translation. Still no workaround?
Great idea!
Be sure to advertise it on !, !, ! and !
Diablo and Diablo 2 (not Resurrected)
I think Diablo 2 even came with an extra disc specifically so you could give it to your friend to play via LAN. Then these fuckers removed the option in Resurrected even though they promised they wouldn't.
StarCraft and the old Warcraft games work via LAN as well.
Quake, Doom, Unreal (Tournament), Half Life
p4re. jp was registered a few hours ago. 2 years ago, p3re. jp was registered. 3 months later Persona 3 Reload was revealed
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