For you, maybe. My android shows red
I'd assume it does. I've always just used PrusaSlicer so I can't speak to how Orca does it. If it doesn't allow per-height settings, only per filament, you can always duplicate your filaments and just rename them to each layer height they're calibrated for. So you'll have a PLA 0.2, PLA 0.1, PLA 0.07, etc.
You may be heavily underextruding on your 0.2mm setting, if it works at 0.1mm. Since the printer depends on extruding the right amount of material to build up to the nozzle tip, if you underextrude it won't build up high enough, and that 4th or 5th layer won't be close enough to the nozzle for the new plastic to be pressed down into it and stick.
Bump up those extrusion rates, slow down the movement feedrates, and make sure your nozzle and extruder motor are all clean and not slipping.
Of course they are valuable. But corporations will always prioritize that which generates value for themselves.
What good are those massive improvements to gaming cards when GPU costs spiral into the multiple thousands of dollars and become completely unavailable to 98% of gamers? 'Cause institutional buyers have no qualms dropping $20k per card, and that will inflate the market to an insane degree. Jensen knows this and will happily kick individual consumers right into the firepit.
Damn. Those are some clean ass layer lines.