I think a whitelist would be more efficient than a blacklist at this point ^^
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Number 1, number 2, and frogs.
Frogs rock!
Someone didn't know how to use the three shells 🤭
That was just what I was thinking. Those are non-flushable shells.
I see nothing about a chunk of pure sodium......
Edit: DO NOT DO THIS. You'll either not time it right, and have the toilet blow up on you, spraying you with ceramic shrapnel, or you will time it right, and blow an entire wall of toilets off the wall, destroying a fair amount of the school's plumbing.
No, I didn't do this. Some kid at my school did.
You definitely shouldn't do this, but you can get gelatin horse pill capsules off Amazon that are over an inch long that could delay it. But don't do it.
Surely a thin coating of Vaseline would help make it further down the pipe ..... :D
That's what he said... last night, to your mom.
Unfortunataly that may fall under metal
Ooh! Good catch!
I can see everything on that list except... who the hell is eating crab and oysters on the shitter?
Why not Zoidberg?
Well, I've had to have a plumber clear a sewer incident in a multistorey building. Cause was a chicken ribcage and other chicken bones together with a ton of grease some idiot tried to flush. And to think I thought I'd seen it all...
Must be apartment complex bathroom signage.
Glad to see it's ok to flush non-aquatic gravels.
Good to know that I could throw regular toothbrushes in it. Only the disposable ones are the problem.
Feel free to drop other items not mentioned here
Never said anything about potato hash!
Someone works as a plumber.
Things like this need to be gathered together when folks want to know how smart the average person is.
No latex or vinyl items? Dammit! Guess I need to find some other way to get rid of my gimp suit and Cliff Richard records 🤔