People always pick on Missouri, but whenever I've been there, I've always found the locals to be kind and welcoming. It really is true, Missouri loves company.
Cartography Anarchy
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From Missouri, we have quite the active KKK activity here…sadly
But y'all have Soulard! So it balances out, right? /s
Meanwhile it's the only place I've seen someone stick their head out of a car window and yell at a black person walking down the street to, and I will use their exact phrase as I remember it even 12 years later:
"Go back to monkey Island you stupid dirty niiiiiiiiiig...." And he was silenced by the car driving away before he could finish, but it should be obvious
This might be a stupid question, but is Kansas city not in Kansas?
Not a stupid question at all, lol. There are actually two different cities, both named Kansas City, on either side of the border:
It's incredibly funny to me that the bigger one, and only one anyone talks about, isn't the one in Kansas.
Huh, today I learned. I always thought it was the one KC just straddling the border.
I suppose it's the same city physically but not officially because legal issues or whatever
Similarly, if you go to the Estonian town of Valga you can simply walk or drive into the Latvian town Valka by accident.
It makes it fun going to concerts to see who can pass the Kansas/Missouri test. I just saw Green Day at an amphitheater on the Kansas side and Billie Joe would scream “Kansas City! Missouri… Kansas… and surrounding areas!” which was a novel solution lol
Lots of venues in the suburbs surrounding dc in MD and they’ll always refer to the area as DC.
Granted given our geographical size the crowd is just as likely to be from PA or VA
The European bands calling it “Silver Spring, DC” are my favorites.
Kansas City
not in Kansas
St. Louis
not in Louisiana
Fun fact: St. Louis used to be in Louisiana.
Also, Washington DC
You should read up about project to transfer Washington from Washington State to D.C. a true mega project that nobody learns about anymore!
Kansas has their own little Kansas City next to Kansas City, MO.
who wore it first?
who wears it best?
-Source: a local (me).
Both were named for the Kansas river. The location of the mouth of the Kansas river flowing into the Missouri establishes the longitude that the whole western border of Missouri (except for the Platte Purchase). Basically Kansas state is where the Kansas river flows and Kansas City began where the river ends.
Don't feel too stupid, after all a former president of the United States once congratulated the state of Kansas after the Kansas City Chiefs won the Superbowl.
It’s in Missouri and Kansas both. St. Louis also exists on both sides of the river/border but East St Louis is always treated differently since it’s in a pretty desperate situation economically and no one seems to care.
Worth mentioning that all 4 of these cities operate under drastically different governments with no oversight over each other which shows when you compare them with each other
As a Missourian I wish I could leave too
You can start by changing that demonym to "Missourable". A group of them would be Les Missourables.
I'll commissourate with you, bro
Notice neither are gunning for Iowa or Nebraska.
When I say it out loud it sounds like misery to me so no wonder haha
Missouri has two major cities
Sad Springfield noises
I'd never heard of this particular Springfield so I looked it up. According to Wikipedia St. Louis is the 22nd largest city by population in the US and Kansas City is 34th. Neither are huge but I think major city applies. Springfield on the other hand ranks 143rd. I'm not even sure most people would consider it a city.
Woah woah woah. Springfield is definitely a city. It says so right in the logo:
(Real talk, folks. I don't care if anyone considers Springfield a "major city" or even a "city" at all. It's just funny to think of an anthropomorphic caricature of Springfield, Missouri crying over a perceived slight to its ego.)
To clarify, that's by metro district. St Louis is 76th by the population inside its city boarders. It's about 100k more than Springfield, MO.
Suburban sprawl sucks.
No one sober would ever consider Springfield MO or Springfield IL to be anywhere near the word MAJOR city. Both are destitute compared to the actual cities in their states
Oh yeah? Well, would a non-major city host the world's second largest fork?
Not even the website accepts foreigners.
it was bested by a 37-foot-high fork in Oregon in 2022 -- it remains, at 11,000 pounds, the world's heaviest
It's pronounced misery.
I'll be dead in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missouri!
I live in the eastern one, many of us would absolutely love to join Illinois instead of Missouri. We pretty much hate this state
I've heard a similar joke about Mississippi. Mississippi has two major cities: Memphis and New Orleans.