Ain't no fucking way Indiana is in the "Nice" category
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Bruh, I moved out here two years ago, and holy shit! These are the most miserable, hateful, rude, nasty, violent, stupid, lazy, and just all-around shitty people I have encountered in my life. Really, damn near everywhere I go in this state, I observe this behavior. I'm originally from Michigan, but I've been all over the US and really have not been anywhere like this.
I saw more Confederate battle flags around Indianapolis than I did in Atlanta. Fuck Indianapolis.
I'm amazed by how consistently bad the reviews for Indiana are. Even the food is somehow worse than the rest of the Midwest, apparently.
Or Utah
It's called the middle finger of the south for a reason
I get that this is basically a politcal compass meme overlayed on a map (and also that this is in cartography anarchy), but here's how I'd actually divide things up based on basically 0 practical experience:
Acts nice, is nice: West Coast (WA, OR, CA, HI) (WA might have to move down to the next category if they're feeling surly)
Acts mean, is nice: Northeast (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, PA, NJ, MD, DE)
Acts nice, is mean: Southeast (AR, LA, KY, TN, MS, AL, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL), Midwest (ND, SD, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, MI, IN, OH), and Alaska
Acts mean, is mean: The rest (ID, MT, WY, NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM, OK, TX)
"Acts nice, is mean" still makes up a large part of the country, but "Acts mean, is mean" has been trending up for about a decade now.
I've colored it in as you described, at least I'm in one of the nice states
I forgot to color in the hawaii square, one sec (now fixed, apologies hawaii)
Alaska belongs more in the "acts mean, is nice" category. But it's less "mean" and more "apathetic and disinterested."
I think CA is act nice is mean. I lived there for 5 years and realized everyone was p. Passive aggressive.
And of course that only aims to divide things up into big blocks similar to the original image. If I wanted to get more granular I'd probably put UT in "Acts nice, is mean" for example.
The colder the weather gets, the more we tend to be nice. Its just natural when you're living in a state/province where breaking down on the side of the road in winter can mean death.
And I'm only half kidding. I do honestly believe that a shared experience of harsh winters creates empathy. Same reason Nordic countries are nice to each other mostly as well.
That actually tracks
Look at the "mean" spots: summers get over 110-120 in a lot of those places
Seem and are mean is the SW, where we keep death valley
You KNOW people are bigger assholes when it's hot. We ALL do
You KNOW people are bigger assholes when it's hot. We ALL do
I don’t agree with this at all. That’s not my experience as an Aussie.
The stars rotate the opposite direction there, so it works the other way. Antarctica is a barren waste for a reason.
I think there is some truth to this.
When I lived in an apartment, many times I would shovel my neighbor's parking spot if it looked like they were working late during a snow storm. There's nothing worse than coming home after a long day to three feet of snow you have to shovel immediately.
Or helping someone whose car is stuck in snow and can't drive away. We've all helped at least one person by giving them a push.
As a Canadian, you can extend the top two up to us and it would still mostly fit.
I'm on the "acts mean, is nice" side in Ontario, and you all can get fucked 🖕
Let me help you with carrying your groceries, fuck face.
The bible belt / coal belt is not nice.
C'mon, the coal belt is the definition of acts mean, is nice.
Bible belt is peak 'southern hospitality' though, sweet words covering a spit in the face.
The coal belt is filled with abandoned elderly, selfish assholes in lifted trucks, religious extremists, and white supremacists.
"Well how you doin', Honey!?"
in her mind
Who the fuck is this goddamn oreo ass tramp walking into my fucking store with her fuckin low cut, 5 year old torn up-ass Vans on and her fuckin tattery-ass-lookin-ass bitch-ass fleece hoodie?
"That'll be $6.34, Sug!"
"You have a nice day, now!"
Near as I can tell since moving back, being "Iowa nice" means "be white and republican and talk down to everyone else" so no, more like acts nice, is mean for us.
“The entire Midwest disliked that”
My experience having lived across the US has been closer to - I haven't met a kind ("actually nice") person in Northern California who grew up there.
Edit to add: err, except my wife of course.
Who ever made this has never been to Minnesota. Or Iowa for that matter.
This map applies to every individual city as well, just make sure "acts mean is mean" is the rich quadrant of the city and the rest will map nicely.
That may be the "acts nice, calls the police on you because you're on their neighborhood and don't match the pantone"
PNW should be: acts nice, is scared
Quick context, if you ask for directions in Seattle, people will gladly help, but you will see the terror in their eyes that they have to socialize with someone they don't know.
Truly the Finns of America.
No lies detected (Seattle native here)
Damn, maybe I was secretly born in Seattle and smuggled to the other side of the country.
Better buy yourself a Subaru, a North face jacket, a climbing gym membership, and some weed and Zoloft.
From the south, now in the PNW. Can confirm, I’ve probably accidentally scared the shit out of so many Seattlites just by being friendly
Person: "good afternoon!"
Seattleite: "haha I'm in danger"
I had a bartender tell me one time that to make friends with a Seattlite you probably need to randomly run into them 10ish times
As a young Tulsan on my first tech support job, it took me ages to figure out that Yanks aren't as mean as rattlesnakes, they just talk that way.
As a northerner who lived in Tulsa for four years, I'd say Oklahoma was "Acts nice, are crazy"
Alaska: Fuck off and leave us alone.
Hawaii: Get the fuck here and hang with us.
~(Plz,~ ~we~ ~need~ ~money~ ~to~ ~ship~ ~things~ ~across~ ~half~ ~the~ ~pacific)~
Act Nice between whites ans rich people dont count.
Silicon fucking valley ? Ask to latinos what they think ans where they are living...
Im French BTW, and I can see that.
Im a european, been to san francisco once, nicest fucking people ive ever met.
This is oddly quite accurate
No it used to be before newsmax brainwashed the midwest
As someone who used to live in new York, can confirm. New Yorkers come off as rude but usually they just have places to be, when they're not trying to get somewhere they're quite nice.