The human mind makes it possible to imprint false memories.
This feature seems like an open ended disaster for human psychology, which is already unreliable and untrustworthy.
"We did it, Patrick! We made a technological breakthrough!"
A place for all those who loathe AI to discuss things, post articles, and ridicule the AI hype. Proud supporter of working people. And proud booer of SXSW 2024.
The human mind makes it possible to imprint false memories.
This feature seems like an open ended disaster for human psychology, which is already unreliable and untrustworthy.
Finally aphantasia and SDAM pay off.
Can’t implant false memories if I don’t have episodic memories
Do you see the timeline as a whole? Anytime is present, past, future? 🤯
I guess kinda in the sense that I am time-blind. I have no internal sense of the future so can’t plan for it (ADHD). Past just feels like a distant movie I’ve watched and can remember key or spatial details (my semantic memory trying to makeshift an episodic memory I think). Always living in the now.
My wife says her memories is largely emotions based which is alien to me. Mine is just a list of facts that come to me like
Have no concept of the feels in the moment unless it’s evident from the facts
that's wild
I already did, I accidentally have a false memory and it's hard to actually forget about it Sometimes act as if it was real and it takes a good moment to recognise it or just... I dont
Once again, tech bros:
I could see my mother buying products her grandchildren show her in an AI ad. Disgusting.
Wouldn't that show the grandchildren already owning the product?
You couldn't think off a tiktok video, where an AI animtes grandchildren having fun in a inflatable pool and thanking their grandma with a hug in the end, would trigger something in a grandma, that sees that and therefore would likely buy an inflateable pool for their grandchildren? Dependending on the mental state of this grandmother, it would not even matter that the grandchildren are 32 years old and live in Montana. It is a catchy deceitful way of predatory advertisment that would be done, because it works, not because it is good.
Maybe its not their pool. Maybe it is just a dream. Or a Memory? Not sure. I buy it.
Sigh, the guy willingly and knowingly uploaded his photo to a social media's AI tool. FAFO. Not news.
“Used Meta AI to edit a selfie, now Instagram is using my face on ads targeted at me,” the person posted. The user was shown a slideshow of AI-generated images in which an AI version of himself is standing in front of an endless “mirror maze.” “Imagined for you: Mirror maze,” the “location of the post reads.”
“Imagine yourself reflecting on life in an endless maze of mirrors where you’re the main focus,” the caption of the AI images say. The Reddit user told 404 Media that at one point he had uploaded selfies of himself into Instagram’s “Imagine” feature, which is Meta’s AI image generation feature.
Slight difference between playing with a new feature in your app and volunteering to have your image used in targeted ads.
Or maybe there isn't anymore. Maybe just having a phone with a camera automatically means you deserve everything the Mega-Corps do to you.
That is exactly what they think and there is no sympathy around here apparently.
People thinking that everyone should live their life like theirs and no room to enter in at other than already perfect.
Empathy is gone in 2025.
If Instagram had pulled an image from his phone's storage and then presented him with an ad using it, I'd be outraged.
He uploaded the photo to their platform, which means he loses control of what's done with it.
This isn't new or news. Facebook/Insta/Twitter have been shitty companies for years and years. Stop giving them your data.
Most people lack empathy for self-inflicted injury, and the problem is that the perception of what is self-inflicted varies from person to person.
See, personally, I think anybody on any corporate social media verges on the self-inflicted by now, given that it's been common knowledge for years that Facebook and Google and and and are completely and utterly unhinged in their lack of humanity.
Perhaps I was just* naive but I caught on about Facebook long before Google.
Google's evil was more in the background; you had to be paying attention to find it until they decided that they were powerful enough to be openly evil.
I was massively downvoted elsewhere on Lemmy for suggesting that maybe joking about a suicide victim on the day of their suicide is not something that would be helpful for another suicidal person to see. But you know, fuck me for suggesting people have some thought for other people.
You got downvoted for your tantrum
I see. Two questions:
As a psychic yourself, I'm hoping you can answer 2b.
Go get therapy, you clearly need some mental help. The music in your head is completely disconnected from reality.
You're not a very good psychic.
The issue isn't that his phone has a camera. The problem is that he uploaded a personal photo to their tool, then got annoyed that they showed him what else could be done with that image using their tool.
I have not uploaded any images to Instagram, and they have not targeted me with any ads. Pretty easy fix. Stop willingly giving these companies your data, and then complain about what they do with it.
You sound so smart.
You don't.
If not uploading pictures to social media is smart, consider me Albert Einstein!
Conversely, keep uploading your pics to Facebook and Instagram and continue to get mad at what they do with the pictures you've given them.
So edgy too.
Yep. OOP will learn nothing and continue to complain and upload rather than delete the account.
BuT AlL mY FriEnDs ArE tHerE.
At last a sufficiently obvious "GET THE FUCK AWAY" sign for normies... I hope I'm not overestimating normies.
I admit that I use Instagram to follow cat accounts and a few creators who I respect. I post very sporadically. In the rare instances where I post photos of myself, it's only when I'm wearing a balaclava and/or after I've used Photoshop to blur my face to unrecognizability.
I would suggest that most people that aren't earning money from IG should do the same.
Noping out from this shit years ago is really paying dividends same with switching to Linux...
These corpos don't respect the taxpyers on whom they leech and our government serves them.
Deny the Parasite engagement and profit.
Who in the world is obediently posting selfies of themselves from the front and from the side to some random app that asks them to do it? I stopped doing that stuff around the time I deleted my Facebook account. Why would you do that to yourself?
People who it are not tech savy, and poorly educated over all...
They got nothing to hide until they need an abortion then privacy is a concern lol
Yeah. It's unreasonable I guess to expect everyone to treat their phone as a malicious little device that's actively trying on behalf of multiple bad actors to gather as much information about them as it can and sell it to some of the worst people in the world. It's fair for them to expect it to just be a phone. I guess I'm just looking at it the way I look at my phone.
Either you take care of your business or somebody else will do for profit.
There is not much in between and there is no shortage of parasites.
Just sitting here with my hands on my face crying and muttering "just delete your facebook/instagram/whatever. just delete it. please. please just stop using the torment nexus"