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Private lounge
Enough windows to classify it as a fishtank
They didn't want anyone wanking inside.
I’d be more scared of the people wanking outside
Why then elevate it to a spectacle?
Challenge accepted
Should I invest in this idea?
Would it be broken in a day... Maybe...
Would it be worth a try? Also maybe...
Do people even go to malls anymore?
Do you want me to stream our mall? It's very active
Nah, I was just wondering I haven't been to one in probably a decade and no one I know talks about going there and a lot of them around here have closed down
Why even bring him at all?
You need muscle to carry bags after you’re done
Yes, designated pack mule.
I go to the mall with my wife because we both need dinner together after. Normally I don't like going into women's underwear stores/ bed bodyworks or Sephora because if I start wondering, then women look at me like I'm some creeper. At this point I like to go into a fishtank box and play video games.
I embrace that vibe. Find the freaked out ones and see if I can make em flee the store then go back to the missus like nothing happened
I'd go shopping more. That's better than doom scrolling my phone, but I'm quite sure those would be occupied by kids.
You're an adult bigger stronger faster! Simply assert wrist control and that baby is yours!
Kidnapping is a crime.
等你吧 (děng nǐ ba) - (I'll) wait for you, or (I'm) waiting for you, possibly punning on 吧 as a transliteration of 'bar". So it's like "the waiting for you bar" or "I'm waiting for you at the bar".
Алла, я в бар
"Alla [common female first name], I'll be at the bar." That's an apocryphal practical joke which I heard from a Russian. It becomes clearer once you start shouting "Alla yav bar!" in an airport.
ITT: Gender philosophers getting upset at a man playing videogames while his wife shops in peace.
Was going to say why doesn’t he stay home, but now there’s the benefit of him accompanying his wife in the less secure areas between mall and car.
Or mall and the 30 min walk home while carrying shopping bags.
Left hand facing camera, no wedding band.
In all likelihood this can be retitled: Person plays games at the mall.
Not saying you're wrong, but I'm married and I never wear my wedding band unless its a special occasion. I know too many people that lost a finger because of it. My wife doesn't care and I'm just used to not wearing it. People still seem to figure out that we're married.
That's kind of a dickish way of describing it but yeah, makes sense for any group really to split up and do their own thing in a space like that.
Well it looks better than standing outside the shop holding her purse
If I had a wife, I would want to spend more time with her. But, that's just me. It's not like I am ever gonna get a gf, let alone a wife.
Still it's kinda funny.
If you had a wife you might find that sometimes you want to do your own things but still kinda be near each other, and that's okay. It's lovely to have another person in your life you can share shit with but it's also lovely to be able to say 'you like this, I like that, I'll see you in an hour and a half for dinner and the movie' or whatever.
And chin up on the gf front. You might have better luck just finding someone you like spending time with than someone who's your 'all and everything'. Like, that latter shit is unsustainable.
You're not supposed to spend every minute with your SO. Relationships need space.
Yes. I understand that. This feels rather weird to me. If you want to play games, it can be done at home. Again, it is just what I think. I am sure, I can be wrong about it too.
If it's around the corner from the lingerie store, I'll use it. Or at least when I was younger. Not sure if igaf now.
Didn't care then, don't care now. It's only clothes and I wasn't there to oogle anyone.
Of course. Younger me was just very self conscious
This is a good reminder of how glad I am not to be straight.
Or... maybe consider enjoying the time talking with your SO? Take her to some of the shops you like? Or you both like*?
*Assuming that it isn't some shitass arranged marriage crap, you actually love each other and have common interests.
Most of my time spent at the mall with a SO was watching them look at clothing for hours and them helping me pick something out in minutes. There weren't really any stores that interested me and It's not an activity I would have ever chosen to do myself, but they liked it so it was just one of those things I bit the bullet on. Sometimes I'd bring them along when I went to a hardware store or hobby shop to look at something but even then the time spent was way in their favor because I usually knew what I was looking for ahead of time and would get in and get out.
I wasn't going to invite you to any parties anyway, but now I'm definitely not. Honestly, we're going to have to introduce sense-of-humor lessons at school.
Reading deep into this much? No reason to go balls deep
I'm surprised it's fully transparent all around.