In Person Activism
"Power wants your body softening in your chair and your emotions dissipating on the screen. Get outside. Put your body in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. Make new friends and march with them." -Tim Snyder
A community for sharing information about ways to get involved with real world activism to make the world a better place.
Spend less time arguing about politics on the internet. The world is in trouble. Get out there and try to help.
this is both harmless and effective, but make no mistake, after a couple go rounds with this, they are gonna get the order to go live fire
Probably not live fire, but you're definitely going to get some rubber bullet kisses.
They already do this
Baton Courtesy, Service...with a smile.
Thanks for this... I had to drop everything and start singing System of a Down
Now that's what I'm talking about.
Got a better one
What country is this bright and happy man from? He seems like he's ready to really help out his community.
tacos y burritos
In a real military situation, that doesn't look all that harmless to me, if you can't see anything. It seems like there would be some real tactical effect to the paint.
If you can hit them with paint you can hit them with bullets and shrapnel.
Right. That is the message.
You have to start by sawing the glass around the end of your light bulb with a sharp knife until its visibly cut into.Then you tap it off with a screwdriver
Even easier is grasp the lightbulb by the metal base with the glass down and the center connector facing up. Smack that center connector with a heavy spoon or light hammer and it will shatter the porcelin and center support. Leaving you a hollow light bulb with a hole in the end. Takes some practice but super easy once you get the hang of it. It also leaves the threaded base intact so you can seal it with a bottle cap and tape instead of messing with wax.
When they go to wipe it the glass etching solution will cause the sand to scratch and etch huge gouges in the surface of Plexiglas.
2 problems here. 1. Plexiglass is resistant to common chemical glass etching solutions. 2. Those solutions contain some nasty chemicals and acids, FAR from harmless. Might as well be flinging battery acid or drain cleaner at that point.
I was just thinking, how is anything that can eat into glass not going to be corrosive to skin?
hydrofluoric acid HF eats glass but if it gets on your skin in smaller amounts it will mostly just penetrate it, leaving it mildly irritated for some time. There it starts dissolving calcium from your bones and attacking nerves. HF be nasty
Yeah this seems way too complicated. Water balloons seem like they'd be way easier to mass produce. If you want something which can't be washed off easily then just use oil based paint.
And sand.
When they wipe the paint off, the sand will scratch and "fog" the glass/plexiglass, which requires the goggles/camera/plexi shield to be unusable.
It is. I just wanted to share my crafting tips from when I was a young stoner making vaporizers. Balloons are definitely the better option.
Egg-free cakes only. Too expensive otherwise.
"This weapon costs five hundred dollars to fire for seventy seconds" me gesturing to a table of lemon meringues
There are some who think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe.
I have not met one who can outsmart pie.
So ghoulish that this is the only problem people have with a product of atrocity.
By painting yourself light pink you can fool a pig into thinking you're one of their own. Oldest trick in the book
Fun crafts for the 21st century!
So apparently riot shields are made of polycarbonate. For educational purposes here is an interesting chemical compatibility list
For the sake of sanity, all of those incompatible chemicals are accelerants and most are toxic, this is a good way to start with a cheeky idea of how to fight back relatively harmlessly and end with a massive felony conviction for attempted murder of an officer.
Oh yes I'd expect some of what's on that list would get you on a list if you tried buying it.
Some of the ones that affect polycarbonate look to be paint thinners or the sort of thing found in oil based enamel paint.
Absolute pain in the star to remove enamel paint.
Edit: not even gonna change that auto text 🤣
Nono, none of them would get you on a list for buying them, they're basically all common industrial and even household solvents or stuff you'd find in the pool chemical aisle,, the issue is you're effectively suggesting dousing riot police with gasoline as well as things that burn if they get on your skin. Damaging the riot shield is the least of the concerns here. If you did this, they would (rightfully) assume you were trying to SET THEM ON FIRE and you might succeed accidentally given how pyrotechnic riot control can get. This is likely to just get you shot.
if you do basically any fighting, so much as throwing a rock or spraying paint, you're in 'fugitive for life' or 'make sure nobody ever finds out it was you' territory. there's only like two levels of escalation higher than that, and you need to blow up a bunch of shit+be muslim, or nonviolently unite diverse groups to common communal goals, assuming you want to reach those.
I'm confused, did they chuck the paint bulbs at the cops?
I don't know either, but I would rather use a proper agricultural sprayer with a proper tank and hose. You don't want to spend a century painting, liters per minute is what counts. for effect, it would discourage subsequent use of tear gas, because the gas mask would need cleaning.
who else?
What's the modern day equivalent of this now that glass incandescent bulbs are off the market?
Yeah, there's plans to phase them out, but it doesn't look like they're already gone anywhere. In fact, seems like there was a January executive order repealing the DOE plan to phase them off the market.
Fun fact: there are places that are not the United States.
The first part and second part of my comment were separate.
Fun Fact: I'm not from the States, and I don't live in the States.
By anywhere I meant globally. I found nothing online saying that any country, globally, had 100% phased out incandescent bulbs.
In the second half of the comment, I referred to the US DOE, and an executive order as we had been talking about things happening in the US.
Could probably use water balloons to a similar effect if you can figure out how to fill them with the sandy paint