Things I love in porn: everything greentext op doesn't love in porn, except men, I call them talented dikers.
You guys are so lucky you have these cool gf/bf dreams I can't even have fun in my sleep last night alone I dreamt that I was floating around, it was cool at first then I met a super cool magician that at first glance at me he gave me the feel pity looks so I floated to him to ask why the looks what's wrong? then it hit me that I'm only floating because the earth doesn't want none with me anymore 🤧 so I'm basically only floating because even the ground and gravity rejected me.
Funniest shit I've read today X'D
You have confirmed that this isn't true, but you did forget to add also gay as it's a fact must be added.
How to spot a 4chan fake post..
Step1: > Be me.
Lies Spotted.
Tbh honest when online gender is just a myth everyone is just a typing bot no one is actually whatever gender they think they are and stupidly everyone who judged you on those comments is either didn't know the whole point of the Fediverse or has forgotten, because one of the main reasons that founds the whole existence of this place is anonymity from companies earning money selling our data, the fediverse is an escape from the company greed therefore there's no he or she we're all equals here and it's valid to say " the man, the legend.. as it is to say way to go sis.. " as we're all just free anonymous accounts as should be and we need to delete the gender concept maybe starting with using gender neutral terms online until everyone's comfortable with the idea because to be banned or have your account deleted for misgendering another user is just crazy and defeats the whole fediverse concept.
That explains the shitty translations for Korean movies. If one loses context for a while the transcripts would mislead even more
Is this a new built-in update in Godot or a new plug-in? And if the latter do you know the link to install it? It's been a year since the last time I coded and this year been full of updates in Godot engine this feature would be super helpful as it's already cool af 😄🤘
The first time I fucked the family PC
Brother I don't even know the right answer here
Why does this ancient emoji have a hole down there 😮😨
Bold of you to assume I fuck, however I may be a buttfucker so ever thought about that Anon?